The Old Craftsman    

Written by: Mitch (Thy God, Metaphorically Speaking)

Date Added: 07/23/03

I am an old craftsman,

As you should already know.

Who whiles about the day,

Creating different crafts for show.

My main profession,

Though it’s not really that.

Why It’s more of an obsession

As a matter of fact.

For this fine piece of pine

When smoothed with my knife,

Makes many a woman moan,

And gets her feeling fine.

My success is from the materials

Wood, being the best.

To make all my feminine customers

Heave their big chests.

The size is consistent,

As you will see.

No smaller than five inches,

Nor bigger than nineteen-point three.

It’s what I’ve always done,

Most past eighty year and more.

To make the correct shapes,

No matter what the core.

Whether it be straight or curved,

Zigzag, mushroomed, or flat.

There hasn’t been one that I’ve done

That’s ever been brought back.

If you haven’t guessed it yet

What my crafts are for.

All I can say is this

You just walk right out that door.

For it could not be more obvious

Or plainer to the eye.

I make sex toys for pleasure,

And always get myself a piece of the pie.



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