Now I know I said that The Daily Screw would have the absolute 100% truth about the news. I lied. If you could not already tell you aren't supposed to take this site seriously. It is for laughing purposes and other pointless stuff. Things I write about in The Daily Screw may be based on real news items, but the punch line and any other whack-job things said are fictional. I have to tell you, otherwise I could get in a heap o' trouble. So there, please just have a sense of humor when you're on this site and you'll do fine. I probably promise. 


Hello. This site and most of its contents were made with Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Microsoft Picture It! 99, and Microsoft Word 2000. All information and references are probably the sole property of their originators. Not mine, not yours. Also, everything you see on this site was created by me unless stated otherwise. You will not steal, for if you do steal from me I will find you. You will regret it. Any regards, concerns, complaints, and hate-mail  of anything you see on this site should be sent to the e-mail address specified on the links page. Now, PISS OFF!