
Excerpt from a Romance Novel: How did you know?

Written by: Mitch (That's ME you little freaks!)

Date Added: 07/23/03

Then in came Heather with her hair shining like some bird on fire. With her ample bosom glistening like that of a dead fish, but with less than half the stench. I walked over to her, much in the fashion of an insane hatchet murderer, and I said, “Heather, why have you turned your back on me? After all I have done for you, to you, to a picture of you, and with you? Please just tell me!” Well she threw back her hair, way past where it should of gone because it went flying across the room, detaching from her head. Standing there shocked, she did yet another off-the-cuff visionary feat right before my bulging eyes. She lowered her lacey panties, those special ones I bought for her not so long ago, and a great big surprise dropped out. I was in awe, not being able to utter a single correctly articulated word; I tried to ask, “Why haven’t you answered my question yet?” Well upon that apparently obscure query, her complacent attitude changed in a jiffy. She got all her articles of wear on and stormed out saying, “Well, if your incandescent brain can't figure it out, I don’t know what I am doing here, and I am never coming back!” Well it seemed she was gone from my life forevermore, and I had a good cry with my buddies about it. When I told them all the details they informed me she was a man. This came as a complete surprise to me. The guys asked how could that possibly be, because I had already scored with her, to their knowledge. I never had any problems, or complications in the hot lovemaking we always embarked upon. Never did I notice a thing, except for a really sore ass the morning after.  


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