Creators Of Apple Computers
Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs had been good friends in high school. They had both been interested in electronics, and both had been perceived as outsiders. They kept in touch after graduation, and both ended up dropping out of university and getting jobs working for companies in Silicon Valley. In 1976 they formed the Apple computer company.
Computer Lovers didnt think that the Apple I would amount to any thing although well over 100 were sold. It wasn't until 1977 when the Apple II came out that Apple took off. Users loved the Apple II because it was the first PC to ever come in a plastic case and provide vibrant color graphics.
With increased sales by 1980 more people were needed. By 1980 the company had thousands of employees. New board members Apple became a corporation.
With increased sales by 1980 more people were needed. By 1980 the company had thousands of employees. New board members Apple became a corporation.
First Apple
The Apple I
The Apple I was Steven Wozniak's first contribution to the personal computer field. It was designed over a period of years & when finished it only ran at 1.023
Mhz. It was only built in printed circuit-board form when Steve Jobs insisted it could be sold. The Apple I was based on the MOStek 6502 chip, most other computers were built from the Intel 8080. It included only the circuit board. A tape-interface was sold separately, but you had to build the case & buy your own keyboard and monitor, on its first sale they sold 50 units it was also sold through several small retailers. The Apple I had no hard drive, serial ports or extra slots, it only 8k ram, optional sound and optional disc drive.
Apple II
The Apple II was built in 1977 it was based on Steven Jobs Apple I design with several new features. Instead of 8k ram it had 64k it also included extra slots, a optional expansion card, built in speakers and a color monitor, although it still had no hard drive it had higher capacity disk drives.
The First Macintosh
The Lisa
The Lisa was better than any other Apple before it. It had a Motorola 68000 Processor running at 5 Mhz it also had 1 mb of RAM two 5.25" 871k floppy drives, an internal 5 mb hard drive, and a built in 12 gray scale monitor. At $9,995 it was just to much for most businesses.
Apple 512k/128k
The Mac 128 was released with much popularity in 1984. The Macintosh 128 was the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface. It was built with a new Motorola 68000 chip that ran at 5
Mhz. Unlike the Lisa it didnt have a hard drive. The Mac 512k came out in 1984 it was a Mac 128 with 384k more RAM.