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1.This view was taken standing on High Street, from where the front gate was originally, aimed straight down the central pathway.

2.The graves in the foreground line the left hand side of the central pathway.

3.Showing the picket fence on the front right hand side of the cemetery, (Charles Street).

4.This photograph was angled across to the right hand side of the cemetery (Charles Street), showing the tilt on some of the headstones.

5.This photo was angled toward the Wesleyan Chapel (now Uniting Church in Windsor). The bushes in the background are at the Bottom of the McGraths Hill flats just before South Creek. When standing in the Cemetery and looking across to the left one can see the spire of the church.

6.This photograph was taken toward the back fence (facing Beddeck Street) down across the McGraths Flats toward Windsor, with the Kurrajong hills in the background.

7.Another scenic shot across the cemetery with Windsor Town in the far background

. 8.This is the headstone of the Rev. Peter TURNER, d. 22 November 1873. &..(No.47) on the Map & Listing ( No. 2.2) in Notes. This is the only headstone in the cemetery facing NNW. The Headstone is a Sandstone Upright slab/stelae, Pedimented, Semicircular with acroteria. The motif at the top is of Scottish thistles with two Gumnuts at centre bottom of the thistles. It is one of the few graves with embelishment, being Dentils. This is one of the more ornate headstones in the cemetery. The surround is of Wrought Iron with Fler de Lys motifs. The Headstone is of sound condition and the inscription clear but worn. The name of the stonemason was not located.

9.This is the monument for the GREENWELL family,dates 1886 & 1876 and a young boy by the name of KELK 1889, is also commemorated. The monument is of Sandstone and is an Obelisk on a pedestal. There are no carved motifs, only inscriptions on three sides of the pedestal. The monuments is of sound condition but discoloured and stained. The inscription is clear but worn. And the Stonemason is ? Bell of Windsor. The surround is of Wrought iron with Fleur de Lys motifs.(No.63) on the Map & Listing

10. FLOWERS Edward Samuel, d. 1887 and his father Feargus, d. 1894. This is one of the few granite Headstones in the cemetery and is Gothic with shoulders. It sits on a stepped base, is of sound condition though discoloured and stained. The inscription is worn but clear. A flower has been incised in the top centre. The surround is of wrought iron with Arrowhead motifs. (No.58) on the Map & Listing

11. This monuments would be the most ornate in the cemetery. It is the monument of Maria WATT, d. 1865. It is a sandstone pedestal (Champered base) with a sculpture on top. In each of the four corners of the sculpture a Serif has been carved. The sculpture at the top is the same on all four sides, with cusps and what appears to be closed lillies hanging down. Squared, stepped pillasters are on all four sides of the pedestal. The surround is Wrought Iron set in stone with both Arrowhead and Fler de Lys motifs. Maria is the only inscription on the monument, appearing on two sides.. The stone mason was J. Roseby. (No.95) on the Map & Listing

12. Three plots next to each other right next to the central path belong to the ROBINSON Family, the three burials belonging to this monument are dated 1851, 1856 & 1868. This particular site is right against the path, it is an Altar of sandstone. It is eroded, broken and displaced. One side of the altar has fallen inside and the other onto the pathway. Unfortunately it is also lying face up so is being weathered badly, the inscription is partly decipherable. There is no embelishment and no surround. No stone masons signature was located. (No.72) on the Map & Listings.

13. This is the grave of Joseph ROSS, d. 1875 & Mary Ross, d. 1901. Although this is a Semicircular upright slab it is still quite unusual. In a semicircle around the very top of the headstone x's have been carved in relief. Then center top a broken drooping lily branch with one open lily and one bud within a carved inset circle. Then the body of the headstone has an oval section in relief in which the inscription appears. There are no surrounds and the stone mason's name was not located. (No.43) on the Map & Listing

14. This is the grave of Humphrey Gunn BLACK, d. 1865, &.... Late Lt. of HM 54th Regiment of Foot. An upright semicircular slab of marble. The Plinth is sandstone. The grave has squares of marble surrounded by black and white tiles, some of which are in diamond shapes. The stonemason was Andrews Bros. Sydney. The decorative motive is very simple, some small leaves incised either side of the word of (In memory of). The marker is discoloured and very stained. The inscription is clear but very worn. The surround is a simple stone low surround. (No.41) on the Map & Listing

15. Henry (d.1853) & Ellanor (d.1855) JOYNT, Henry being only 9 months old and Ellanor 6 months. This is a double sized plot yet there is only a headstone for the two children on the left hand side. Yet the surround is quite extensive. The childrens headstone is an upright pedimented slab of sandstone. It has a Bible in relief the only motif on the grave. The marker is of sound condition and the inscription clear but worn. The surround however, has four oblisk shaped post on each corner and has two rows of chains running between them, the post are also of sandstone. The foot stone is cabled and has both childrens initials, H.C.J. & E.J.J. incised with the dates of death. And the inscription reads
This stone was placed here to mark the place where lies the dear remains of two lovely children by their fond parents Charles & Amelia E. Joynt
(No.82) on the Map & Listing.

16. BLUNDELL, Elsie, d. 1954 & Albert, d. 1955. This grave has obviously been cared for. It looks very new, perhaps has been re-done recently. The Headstone is very low profile and of granite with gold lettering which is in mint condition. The horizontal slab covering the grave is of sandstone and has the most clear striking vertical grain pattern in the sandstone. (No110) on the Map & Listing

17. BLUNDELL, Eric, d. 1930 aged nine years. This is a grave of stark simplicity this could perhaps be because the country had just entered the depression at that time. A simple square of concrete with a cast iron plaque in the centre. (No118) on the Map & Listing

18. JULIAN,This grave has two headstones. Joseph, d. 1897 has his own, which is semicircular. His wife Mary d. 1865, and also Emily & Fanny who both died the same day, same year. Emily being 6 months of age and Fanny 2 years 9 Months. Also Buried there is Ellen. The headstone for the four females can best be described as Gabled with peaked cut away shoulders. It has a low wrought iron surround. (No59) on the Map & Listing

19. BURTON, Elizabeth d. 1909. The style is a tablet form with scrolls incised down the outside. This photo shows the damage caused by subsidence, a large crack down the centre of the cover and a large hole in the side where the ground had caves in. (No.90) on the Map & Listing

20. BURTON, Elizabeth d. 1909. A second view showing the damage to the back of the grave. (No.90) on the Map & Listing

21. SOOLE, Charles d. 1855, & Hannah d. 1882..There are two headstones, one semicircular and the other semicircular with cut away shoulders, both are of sandstone both have foot stones, the surround is of wrought iron with no motifs.. This photo shows the amount of damage a tree did to this grave and to the Robinson altar monument to the left of the photo. (No.83) on the Map & Listing

22. CLARK, Ernest d. 1964.A late Twentieth Century grave. It is set right on the back boundary nestled against the bushes of the boundary line. It is well cared for and evidenced by the vases of flowers visited regularly. (No.120) on the Map & Listing

23. ANDERSON, Thomas d. 1873 &....A Semicircular headstone with rounded shoulders. The motif at the top centre is of a bunch of grapes and grape leaves. The headstone is badly stained. The surround is of stone. The stone mason:- G. Robertson - Windsor. (No.36) on the Map & Listing

24. CADDAN, Walter d. 1879 & ....An Altar monument, Badly cracked accross the centre. The writing on top is so worn only traces are legible. Lichen is growing on the monument. The surround is of wrought iron. (No.30) on the Map & Listing

25. JOHNSON, Clara d. D. 1881 & Charlotte d. 1892A Gothic Headstone with Cusps and Pilasters. The Pilasters have leaves incised into them (No.55) on the Map & Listing

26. BEARD W. D. 1897 &..... A sandstone altar with a wrought iron surround with arrow head motifs. (No.75) on the Map & Listing

Menu etc., Layout Plan & Map. Endnotes Notes. etc. Last updated 16/10/2000.

© Chris Caswell-Miller