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Section 1: Best-of-the-Best programs

Section 1 contains the programs that are already sending out checks. You can start making money immediately after you join a program from this section.

Club500 supports only the most reliable programs on the market. However, at some point even the best can fail. If a program is unreliable for a period, Club500 suspends the usage demands temporarily. This does not mean that you should not TRY to meet the demands, because you will profit the most by doing so. But Club500 will not REQUIRE that you meet the demands since it is not up to you if that is possible.

If a program proves to be unreliable for a long period, Club500 will simply take the program off the list. If so, we will keep the matrix already built. Should the program prove itself worthy to enter the list again at some point in the future, we will use the matrix we've already built upon. Find the programs you want to join. Then, go to the bottom of the page and click on that program's link.

Inc.: income pr. hour, Dwnl.: income/hour with your full downline, Month: Income per month, R: levels of referrals, CR: clickratio
v Link Inc. Dwnl. Month. R CRMatr. Min demand Max limit Other
CashFiesta $0.60 $42.03 $1,051 5 None 4x4 25 hrs/mth 60 hrs/mth -No surfing required; use while doing anything online
GetPaid4 $0.70 $46.69 $1,267 6 None 4x4 30 hrs/mth 100 hrs/mth, -No surfing required; use while doing anything online
mValue $0.48 $27.17 $543 5 None 4x4 20 hrs/mth 60 hrs/mth, Get paid for anything.
SurfingPrizes $0.20 $22.10 $553 6 None 3x3 25 hrs/mth 60 hrs/mth -No surfing required; use while doing anything online
mValue $0.50 $45.67 $725 5 None 4x4 25 hrs/mth 60 hrs/mth, Get paid for surfing the net.
GoToWorld $0.60 $48.03 $1,256 6 None 4x4 25 hrs/mth 60 hrs/mth -Get paid for using their browser that shows ads.

v Link Month Demand Other
TheMail $7,005,855 210 E-Mails per month, (3x3 matrix) IMPORTANT: TheMail has a 16 level referral structure. That is why the monthly earnings with the FULL (3x3) downline is so exstremely high. Even for Club500 it is unrealistic to be able to build a full (3x3) downline for everybody, so please take the full monthly earnings with ease. On the other hand, there is no doubt that TheMail (with its 16 referral levels) is perfect for the concept of Club500, and that the program has a very high income potential for Club500 members. But try to look at it this way: if only 1% of the full downline is built, it will amount to a monthly income of $7,005.00. To help you fulfill the demand for TheMail, Club500 has set up a special page. Click here  to go there. If you sign up for this program, you should definitely use this page, since it is for your own good.

C: Category, QCash: QuickCash, cash for you and your referrals signing up (a one-time amount)
v Link QCash Month Demand Other
VirtualStartPage NA $220.00 200 Cl/month, (3x3 matrix) Let them choose your starting site every time you open your browser. For the time being you can only make 3 clicks/day (max. 90/mth = $100.00/mth). But soon they will expand, and let you fulfill the minimum demand. Easy money.

Inc.: income pr. hour, Dwnl.: income/hour with your full downline, Month: Income per month, R: levels of referrals, CR: clickratio
v Link Inc. Dwnl. Month. R CR Minimum demand
Bepaid $20 $68 $544.00 2 None 8 hours/month, (5x5 matrix). Vertical lines of 6. View full screen commercials.
CashActive $0.50 $245.6 $3,684 8 None 15 hours/month, (3x3 matrix).


These are the programs you can join: