The Truth From An Ancient Time.

Jan.11th 2002


Harlem Puts the Positive Back in Rap
...by Shamash

In an age where true hip-hop is overshadowed by studio thugs, a lack of creativity, and misogynistic lyrics, Harlem's own Hip Hop Affair produced by Tiffanydenise & Stream of Conscious at the Gishen Café is putting grassroots back in hip hop with a progressive open mic event. Hip Hop Affair began July 12, 2000 in Harlem and is showcasing some of the hottest emcees and spoken word artists in the New York area and abroad, such as Tah Phrum Duh Bush, Mahogany Jones, Lady Black and a slew of other talented artists. Harlem is definitely doing big things in a positive way.

With a need for positive outlets for young people, Tiffanydenise expresses her reasons for starting the Hip Hop Affair, "As a female who loves hip hop I didn't see different places to experience live hip hop - so I decided to put an event together so that young people growing up can learn the culture and history of hip hop. I have combined jazz and hip hop into a venue where artists can grow and cultivate their talents, I am happy to be doing something positive in the growth of hip hop."

When one steps into the Gishen on any given Thursday night the intimate café is saturated with talented DJs spinning positively, good vibes, and a lot of loving energy. With arts related programs being taken out of New York City public schools due to tax cuts the Hip Hop Affair is filling a much needed space for youth to express their talents. Tiffanydenise has given young people an alternative to hanging on the streets. She reveals, "many young men are rough around the edges, but they are good kids. The media constantly throws negative stereotypes concerning black kids - why not have an event in the community that challenges those notion?"

At the Gishen the artists are challenged with love and constructive criticism. Don't expect to get up on the mic and spit words like 'bitch' and 'ho', because everyone one in the space will quickly put that artist in check. When participating in the Hip Hop Affair respect is everything - respecting each other and ourselves.

Even though the event is presently pulling in more young men then women, this young entrepreneur looks at it as just another challenge. She is searching for new and innovative ways for the Hip Hop Affair to appeal to men and women alike. The rap industry may be male dominated, but Tiffanydenise is proving that women can hold their own, spread love, and make a difference in the lives of our youth. Tiffany's lasting words of wisdom, "You will only get out what you put forth. If you are going to be an active participant in hip hop then promote positive images - each one teach one - it's all about family. Keep it real don't be misguided by the forces that be - let hip hop be a vehicle for radical change rather than the bling bling."

The Hip Hop Affair takes place every Thursday at the Gishen Café, which is located at 2150 5th Ave. at 132nd Street. Take the 2/3 to 135th Street or the 4/5/6 to 125th Street. There is a five-dollar love donation and a two drink minimum. Doors open at 8 p.m. and showtime is 9 p.m. - until. For more information contact Tiffanydenise at Gishen 212 690-7700.

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