The Truth From An Ancient Time.

Issue #6
Jun 14th 2002

World Cup Lore
by Tatu Anan

I can think of only one conditon under which the whole world would celebrate upon the completion of the World Cup; and this is if an African nation is victorious. Every continent worldwide would celebrate. Even Antartica with its few inhabitants! If a European team wins, North America would not celebrate, if an Asian team wins, the South Americans would not celebrate. With an African team victorious, all peoples of non-European stock would celebrate, and Europe, full of immigrants of former colonies, would be celebrating African style.

The roots to this mentality are similar to that expressed by C.L.R. James in his “Beyond a Boundary”. Following is an excerpt where "cricket" is replaced with the term "football" and "West Indian" with "African". The case made for one is interchangable with the other, as the social context of society dictates the drive on the field.

“I haven’t the slightest doubt that the clash of race caste and class did not retard but stimulated African football. I am equally certain that in the social and political passions, denied normal outlets,expressed themselves so fiercely in football precisely because they were games. Here began my personal calvary. The British tradition soaked deep into me was that when you entered the sporting arena you left behind you the sordid compromises of everyday existence. Yet for us to do that we would have to divest ourselves of our skins. From the moment I had to decided which club I would join the contrast between the ideal and the real fascinated me and tore at my insides. Nor could the local population see it otherwise. The class and racial rivalries were too intense. They could be fought without violence or much lost except pride and honor. Thus the cricket field was a stage on which selected individuals played representative roles which were charged with social significance."

No other time was this on greater display than in the 1st. game of the 2002 World Cup. France versus Senegal. Here was pitted colonizer vs. colonized, a game that represented a decisive step in post-colonial thinking. No longer are the populace of the colony relegating themselves to the inferior mentality that perpetuated through the neo-colonial period. All homage to the European continent shall be severed, and vehemently the strength of the African nations shall be displayed. Senegal defeated France 1-0 . Senegal has advanced, while France has been eliminated. An indication of things to come...

Excerpt adapted from "Beyond a Boundary" by C.L.R. James.

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