Issue #9
May 11th 2008.
The Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities League 1918 & 1929 have reunited 82 years after Garvey's incarceration and the hostile take over the UNIA Inc. heaquartered at that time in New York, U.S.A. It is an historic accomplishent and one which should be heralded to the world now that the UNIA-ACL has finally signed a definitive Unification Agreement bringing together the 2 legitimate offsprings of Garvey's global confraternity and international corporation. The agreement, signed on August 10th 2007 by the Supreme Commissioner Ahmed Assalaam along with President-General Cleophus Miller and Secretary-General Jendayi-Lynn Robinson, reads as follows:
In committed effort to resolve all differences and restore ourselves under one united jurisdiction, we, the original corporate body of the UNIA Inc. established in New York in 1918 by Marcus Garvey (et al) and the UNIA-ACL August 1929 of the World also founded by the Rt. Excellent Marcus Garvey (et al) have reckoned upon the anvil of reason in order to negotiate a settlement of our past disputes. Wherefore, on this 10th day of August 2007, we the undersigned having fully vested authority to so act, do hereby enter into this formal agreement by placing our signatures hereto at a special meeting attended and witnessed by other most honorable members of the race at the International Headquarters of the UNIA Inc. and held in the city of Washington, District of Columbia - U.S.A.
Article I
Preamble: Whereas, we have come to understand the historical poblems encountered by the UNIA over the course of time resulting from miscommunications and a conflict in leadership, today we expound reconciliation of past grievances, desiring to the utmost to work for the general uplift of the African peoples of the world.
Article II
Identification of Parties: Resolved, that the parties to this treaty are, for the first part, the Universal Negro Improvement Association, Inc. as the original corporate body established July 2, 1918 in New York, under the current leadership of the Honorable Ahmed Assalaam, Potentate and Supreme Commissioner, and for the second part, the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League August 1929 of the World under the current administration of the Honorable Cleophus Miller Jr., President-General.
Article III
Aims and Objectives: Resolved, that the party of the first part and party of the second part establish this alliance for the purpose of:
Section A: Absolute merger which is subject to the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, By-Laws and Book of Laws of the UNIA Inc. with ammendments of 1920 through 1922 and subject to future modification under the vested authority of the Potentate and Supremem Commissioner acting as controller.
Section B: An amicable resolution of all past and present disputes by learning from our mistakes and leaving the ills of the past behind us, and to equally uphold, protect, and defend the constitution in resolution of all future matters.
Section C: To pool our human and financial resources in an effort to further our collective aims.
Article IV
Good Faith Bond and Seal: Resolved, that in a spirit of faith and gesture of goodwill as assurance that the sovereignty of both parties will be united by this treaty, the Honorable Cleophus Miller Jr. assume the office of President-General of the UNIA Inc. and African Communities League Inc., an office which he shall hold for the term specified in and according to provisions of the 10 Year Plan first enacted by the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner in 2006 with modifications or ammendments if any.
Witnessed by:
Kingsley Bryan, Tarik Oduno, Howard Wesley Jr., John Jackson, Reginald Maddox Jr., Sandra Maddox, Esq.