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r!sc's files
(erm, maybe about 95% of them were written by me :)

Heres most of my work, basically theres my process patch creator, which uses a simple script to create a win32.exe loader / memory patcher for a quick way to patch protected programs. Then theres a few tutorials on how to patch compressed program's (which most people seem to think is impossible), a tutorial on creating your own loader, in case my process patcher isnt good enough for you, a few keygen tutorial's, a few crackme solutions, one for patching a packed file, one for Brute forcing the solution to a Matrix, & some others, two crackme's by me (for practicing patching packed files..), some other lame tools coded by me, x manual unpacking tutorial(s), and a handful of tutorials on cracking win32 games...

Title Description Size
R!SC's Process Patcher v1.5.1 A superb utility for creating loaders to patch the memory of protected executables. new build, v1.5.1, read whats.new to find out whats new! Full source code in zip... 28.6kb
unSafedisc v1.5.3 Brute force decryptor for Safedisc/C-Dilla games. written by me, but most of the code was stolen from dec0de12's cracks.. (which used code stolen from BlackChecks decryptor) 43.8kb
unSafedisc v1.5.5 Final version of unSafedisc .. no more bug fix's or updates 12.7kb
Break & Enter lame replacement for loader32. nice little tool for breaking on the entrypoint of 'protected' files, Sets a int 3 on the entrypoint of the chosen file, patches the process, not the actual file. 5.63kb
petite enlarger v1.3 petite 2.2 / 2.1 unpacker 35kb
rAD v0.6 r!sc's Asprotect Deprotector, works with aspr v1.1 only. 32kb
teUnlock v1.0 uhm, its a telock unlocker, coded by me and daemon, full unreadable source included.. 17kb
Writing a Loader A tutorial on writing your own loader, using win32asm ... (very lame) 5.47kb
------------ Patching Packed Files  
Patching Petite A tutorial on how to patch files compressed with 'Petite' 50.2kb
Patching Petite 2.1 A update to my other tutorial, re-teaching you to patch petite 5.29kb
Patching Shrinker A tutorial on how to patch files compressed with 'Shrinker' 7.13kb
The Bat - UPX Patching Tutorial by Varroa on patching a file packed with UPX 3.62kb
------------ Almost manual unpacking(using softice & icedump)  
Unpacking #1 ASProtect? unpacking files with a .aspr section . this example could also be used to unpack a few other packers aswell, i suppose... Target file availble HERE (317kb) Btw, fear the new version's . especially the one used on the latest aspack.exe.. but we always have inline patching availble to us :o) 3.77kb
Unpacking #2 Tutorial on unpacking Petite2.2 . Target file included in Zip, along with unpacked file.. 116kb
------------ Keygen's & sources & info  
Align it! keygen & stuff Keygen source & stuff 8.45kb
Html Tab keygen Keygen & source only, i accidently deleted the stuff 6.44kb
Mirc keygen Dos & win32asm keygen source code 5.40kb
NewMail 1.0b keygen & stuff blah blah blah (DOS keygen stuff) 5.80kb
System Mechanic stuff good old win32asm keygen stuff, nice program aswell... 8.97kb
TexToys keygen stuff drrr, html thing, keygen stuff 43.6kb
Toggle Mouse :-) it had to be done! toggle mouse keygen stuff 22.7kb
Winzip Keygen Tutor A basic tutorial on creating a Keygenarator for Winzip 7.0 5.75kb
------------ Crackme tutorials  
Duelist crackme #3 tutor Advanced tutorial on how to brute force the solution for cracking a Matrix 11.3kb
MatrixxxMadness 1 tutorial Another example of reversing a Matrix crackme.. keygen coming s00n ? 4.72kb
Duelist crackme #5 tutor Another tutorial on patching packed files :) http://crackmes.cjb.net 2.22kb
Duelist crackme #5 tutor #2 Sanhedrin's tutorial on patching this crackme 2.61kb
------------ Cracking CD checks  
Forsaken Game cracking tutorial 6.73kb
Half Life Game cracking tutorial covers version 1.0 & 9kb
Klingon Honor Guard Game cracking tutorial 6.51kb
Quake 2 Game cracking tutorial, covers versions 3.05 & 3.14 9.41kb
Quake 3 Lame, tiny, but effective tutorial on cracking q3 to run with no-cd 2.24kb
Rogue Squadron 3D Game cracking tutorial 8.62kb
Thief Game cracking tutorial 6.64kb
Tiberian Sun (c-dilla) dodgy text on c-dilla and cd check / swap faking.. it may get revised one day 9kb
Tiberian Sun (c-dilla) Revised tutorial, fully explaining how to remove the cdilla from this game... 15.2kb
Outcast (securom) ammendum on pedros securom tutorial.. pretty good if you ask me :D 6.7kb
c-dilla tutorial (hehe) Black Checks brill c-dilla unwrapping tutorial 7.43kb
Settlers 3 v1.54 tutorial Vob ProtectCD / PeCrypt / IAT Rebuilding & stuff 7.02kb
Settlers3 v1.54 Patch The target update / exe of my settlers 3 tutorial 2.57mb
------------ My Crackme's  
CrackPad Notepad, with a nag.. Tutorial HERE written by Latigo . . . . 15.9kb
Play the Game CD check Crackme.. with a twist.. :) 3.39kb


Title Description Size
HelpPC Knowledge is POWER, get this, and learn more about PC's than you wanted to know 257kb
PE DOX The best document i know explaining the pe file format, by LUEVELSMEYER 98.1kb

Wow! what a cool site...i must add this to my bookmarks

R!SC RtL 1999