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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Print/Preview crash system

A little behind on my mail ---

Our installation (currently single site) of 99SE uses the network printer.
Back months ago, when originally installed, we could not persuade print jobs
from PCB to work properly - the local spooler would crash & so would protel.
Schematic print was always just fine, and PCB print would also work with a
local printer or spooled to file.

We finally discovered (by accident) how to work around this.  Instead of
using "File-Print" to create a new PCB print document automatically from
focused pcb window, I now always create one from the documents window and
connect it to the pcb file.  Problem gone - from sight at least!  Once
created this way, any subsequent entry into PCB print from "File-Print"
seems to be fine.

I have no idea if Protel knows about this problem.  It is not connected
directly to yours Rudolf, but if you are networked it might be worth
checking if a similar scenario exists.

Jim Parr.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rudolf Schaffer <>
To: Multiple recipients of list proteledausers
Sent: Tuesday, 5 September 2000 20:32
Subject: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Print/Preview crash system

> Hello,
> May be a problem with P99SE...? and/or
> a bad operation of my side?
> After a correct design and manufacturing of
> a rounded PCB with custom angles for
> some of the components, i try this
> morning to prepare an implementation
> drawing for soldering process with Print/Preview.
> I receive the following error(warning):
> "This canvas does not allow drawing"
> I select Ignore expecting to return in
> the PCB session; the xxx_ti.pcb set
> for the top components implementation
> was totally off (gray screen) and at this
> moment, the system go into power-down
> without any intervention of my part!
> Somebody has done a similary experience?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Regards.
> PC: P2, 128Mb Win95 P99SE Sp5
> Rudolf Schaffer
> Rue du Puits-Godet 8a
> tel +41 32 7240066  fax +41 32 7240078