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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Protel / Specctra problems

Spectra like Protel will obey the most outward keep out as your  board
outline.  Spectra will also obey layer keep outs and fills.  All of the
design rules are passed on to spectra including classes and from/ tos   I do
not think that there is any advantage to specifying them in Spectra over
Protel.  If  you define them in Protel the information stays with the DDB

not sure if this is enough help for you, let me know specifically what you
are trying to do

Mike Reagan
Frederick Md

> I am having problems with the keepout defined by Protel when imported to
> Specctra.  The correct keepout is displayed in Specctra as well as a
> larger border.  When I look at the design file generated by Protel, I
> see that this larger border is actually the pcb and signal boundary.
> Does anybody have any general guidelines of when to draw the line
> between transitioning the design from Protel to Specctra?  Is it better
> to define classes, from-to, etc in Protel or Specctra?
> Thank you,
> Todd Conard
> Si Solutions