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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Print/Preview crash system
Dear Rudolf
You can say that again! The fun just starts. Now that the bad print preview
is on the design manager tree it will try to load on each re-start of
Protel. When it gets to the bad part it hangs again. It would be very
helpful if Protel had a command line switch that would evoke a blank design
manager screen rather than load the last setup.
As for the fix I think it is related to system resources. Print preview
needs a lot. Try closing all unused libraries and data bases. This may free
up resources preview.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rudolf Schaffer [SMTP:info@asgalium.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 4:32 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list proteledausers
> Subject: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Print/Preview crash system
> Hello,
> May be a problem with P99SE...? and/or
> a bad operation of my side?
> After a correct design and manufacturing of
> a rounded PCB with custom angles for
> some of the components, i try this
> morning to prepare an implementation
> drawing for soldering process with Print/Preview.
> I receive the following error(warning):
> "This canvas does not allow drawing"
> I select Ignore expecting to return in
> the PCB session; the xxx_ti.pcb set
> for the top components implementation
> was totally off (gray screen) and at this
> moment, the system go into power-down
> without any intervention of my part!
> Somebody has done a similary experience?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Regards.
> PC: P2, 128Mb Win95 P99SE Sp5
> Rudolf Schaffer
> Rue du Puits-Godet 8a
> tel +41 32 7240066 fax +41 32 7240078