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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Moving problems

Hi all,
I tried with "electrical grid" ON & OFF.  It doesn't work during the first
session that has the problem.  After reading the replies from everyone, I
tried it.  It's working fine now.

When it first happened, I try to close and open Protel 99SE but the problem
still there.  I work around it by exporting & importing to Protel 98.  I
haven't reply to anyone because I was busy completing the project.

Thank you everyone for helping.

Phan Le, PCB Designer
Alpha Technologies Ltd.
7033 Antrim Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5J 4M5 CANADA
Tel: 604-430-1476 ext. 317
Fax: 604-430-8908

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-----Original Message-----
From: TSListServer []On
Behalf Of Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 10:37
To: Multiple recipients of list proteledausers
Subject: RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Moving problems

at the risk of beating a dead horse....

At 08:16 PM 9/18/00 +0200, Heiko Vachek wrote:

>I don't think he means the bounding box you mean when you're actually
>the selection. I rather think he means the keep out line of his board that
>is 3mil off after the move is done. And that would mean when taking the
>selection to the cursor his cursor snapped to something else than the
>selected snap grid.
>Moving gerbers is nothing else than moving only primitives, mainly tracks,
>pads and arcs, that are no longer grouped together in components. The
>bounding box you describe should then surround exactly the structures you
>see if all layers that contain selected primitives are turned on, because
>hidden strings are not processed into gerber data.

Mr. Vachek would be correct if not for the bug we have mentioned. In this
case, it is likely that the keepout layer or other board outline is a 6 mil
track, and the incorrect snap to the edge of the bounding box causes
everything to be off 3 mils.

His experience here shows the nature of this bug: it only appears when the
paste or move is above a certain complexity *and* snap to center is turned
on. Below that complexity, you get a bounding box only when moving and
there is no snap to the edge of the paste extents. So a designer can work
for quite a while without ever seeing the problem. Then it will drive him
pr her absolutely nuts.... unless he or she faithfully reads this list, in
which case only one of us ever needs to go through that phase of temporary
Abdulrahman Lomax
P.O. Box 690
El Verano, CA 95433