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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Disappearing PCB Components

> Hi Ian,
> One problem that I vaguely remember from my days using Protel V3 involved
> the comment and designator strings.
> Apparently Protel V3 used the layer the strings were on to determine if
> component was on the Top or Bottom side of the PCB. In my case I had
> to want these strings on one of the unused Mid Layers or Mech Layers (I
> don't remember which). Moving the strings to one of these layers gave
> V3 a brain haemorrage. ALL comment strings were reset to the word
> and piled on top of one another at coordinate (0,0).
> Protel's advice - don't move the strings to any layer other that Top
> or Bottom Overlay.
> I don't know if this is relevent to your problem - but its worth knowing
> just in case.

I remember that the above was certainly true of AdvPcb 2.8, but my
recollection (though perhaps incorrect) was that things changed with Version
3.x, in that the side of the PCB that the component was located on was
stored within each Component (Object). (As such, you could then put the
Designator and Comment strings on whichever layers you liked.)

But unless you have some reason for placing these strings on an unusual
layer, there is something to be said for keeping these on an "expected"
layer (i.e. on the external copper/signal or silkscreen layer on the same
side of the PCB as the component).

I have vague recollections of unwanted pans/zooms in 3.x, but can't recall
the cause of these. But for what it is worth, check your Autopan settings
("Preferences" dialog box). And if you haven't already done so, download the
Service Pack for Protel 3 from Protel's WebSite. (I think it is still
available for downloading.)

Geoff Harland.
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