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Welcome in Sceince Education Center at Ain Shams University


Ain Shams University has constructed a separate building for the Center within the main Campus, including various facilities to serve the Centers' activities.

These include a comprehensive scientific library, including references, journals, studies and research reports on science and mathematics education.

main building



letures room

Rooms for general lectures, seminars and conferences, supplied with audio visual aids and related equipment.



Specialized labs for teaching various Science disciplines, as well as integrated science and mathematics.

chemistry lab




A Computer lab for preparation of software for teaching science & mathematics.




A modern print shop that helps in the publishing the Center's studies and research results and the preparation of the Center's educational materials, journals, newsletters...etc.




Specialized workshops for production of simplified and low-cost science teaching equipment and apparatuses that are designed and manufactured by various materials including wood, metal, plastic and glassware.


glass ware

Any comments or questions, please contact Dr. Nabawy A. Elkattan, Webmaster

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