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Photoshop Assignment


Photoshop Assignment

Due for printing:

Due for presentation:


(not necessarily in this order and not necessarily in all versions)

Use Selection Tools to remove background

Use Eraser to remove stray pixels of background if necessary

Use Filters OR Image menu

Use Paintbrush and Brushes palette

Use Airbrush and Airbrush Options

Use Pencil and Paintbucket

Use Sponge, Dodge, Burn, OR Smudge


Save three different copies of the file on your Zip Disk in a Folder labeled "Photoshop Project"- The three copies are as follows:

Original: The unedited scan-scanned at 300 dpi. File format should be a GIF, TIFF, or PICT.

Variation 1: Image with added color and/ or texture. Resolution changed to 72 dpi. File format should be JPEG at a medium quality.

Variation 2: Black and White with one or two items in color. File format should be TIFF with LCW compression, 300 dpi. Make sure that this version begins with the original unedited scanned image. This second variation can not be a continuation of the first variation.

Remember that all projects that are initially handed in on time, may be redone to improve your grade. These redone projects must be turned into me by May 10, which is our last day of class.