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Spring Semester 2001

Section Code: CGR 120

Meeting Times: MW 10:05-12:20

Meeting Location: CG26


Instructor: Josh Gravholt

home: 622-0355

studio: 621-3136


office hours: by appiontment


Course Description:

4 cr. hrs. /5 periods (4 lec., 1 lab) Prerequisites: None

Introduction to current computer graphics software. Includes desktop publishing, postscript illustration, painting or photo editing, computer hardware and professional environment.


Goals/ Objectives/Expectations:

Aquire a basic knowledge of Macintosh computer systems and software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Pagemaker

Learn use of available hardware.

Develop a facility for layout, design and drawing on the computer.



1 ZIP DISK- Mac Formatted- 100 MB



Section 1- Adobe Photoshop

Section 2- Adobe Illustrator

Section 3- Pagemaker

Section 4- Final- Utilizing all 3 applications


Methods of Instruction:

Lecture/Discussion Presentation/Critique Demonstration


Grading Policy:

Grading will be based on the following:

Assignments 70%


Attitude and class participation is 15%

Final grade will be determined by an overall judgment of the professor.


A All assignments done on time and meeting assignments criteria. Attendance, participation, and attitude- excellent. Artistic and technical development evident in work. Exceptional creative energy. Extra hours in studio outside of class (1+ recommended).

B All assignments done on time and meeting assignments criteria. Attendance, participation, and attitude- good. Artistic and technical development evident in work. Good creative energy. 1 extra hour in lab outside of class.

C All assignments done on time and meeting assignments criteria. Attendance, participation, and attitude- adequate. Artistic and technical development evident in work. Adequate creative energy. Extra time in lab outside of class.

D All assignments completed, but performed below average. Completing too little or unsatisfactory work. Poor attendance.

F Did not meet enough requirements for the course to pass.


Individual project grades will be assessed with two criteria.

Design 40%

Technique/Execution 60%


Late Projects Late projects drop one full grade for each class period that project is late.

Resubmitted Projects Resubmitted projects may be turned in at any time until Dec. 15 Providing original project was completed and submitted on time.

Make Up Projects Make up projects may be submitted only with instructors approval.


Grades earned at PCC are recorded at the end of each session according to the following system:

A-Superior (4 grade points per credit hour)

B-Above Average (3 grade points per credit hour)

C-Average (2 grade points per credit hour)

D-Below average (1 grade point per credit hour)

F-Failure (0 grade points per credit hour)

P-Pass ("C" or better without grade differentiation ordinarily indicated by the College grading system. A "D" grade may be given at the student's request and the instructor's option)

I-Incomplete (A record of "Incomplete" as a grade will be made at the student's request and at the instructor's option. This grade will be kept on record for one year after which it will be automatically changed to "F". A student receiving a grade of "I" will be provided with a standard form specifying the work necessary for completion of the course.)

IP-Work in Progress in open entry/open exit course. (A record of IP (in progress) as a grade will be made when a student is making satisfactory progress in a course that crosses sessions in start and end dates. At the specified end date of the course, the student will be assigned a grade of A,B,C,D,F,I,or Y.)

W-Official Withdrawal (This grade may be requested by the student only during the first two-thirds of any session. This grade may also be given by the instructor on or before the official census reporting date to students who have ceased attending class before that date.)

Y-Special Withdrawal (All students are provided information regarding the potential negative effect of the "Y" grade. The decision to grant the special withdrawl is based on what is best for the student in light of his or her educational objectives. The instructor will complete standard "Y" grade form, specifying the rationale for the special withdrawal.

X-An X placed next to the grade indicates the grade was earned through the successful completion of a proficiency test.

AU-Audit (To audit a course means to enroll in and attend a class without working for or expecting to receive credit. The symbol for audit, AU, appears on the transcript of grades and on the class list by the student's name. Students auditing a class must register by the end of the official refund period and must receive the written permission of the instructor.)

Attendance: Attendance is important and crucial in the learning process. If you need to be absent please notify the office or call me at home before class.

Appropriate calling times: 8AM-9PM

If you miss three consecutive classes, without any attempt to contact me YOU WILL BE DROPPED.

ADA Statement: Pima Community College strives to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students with disabilities who require special accomodations must notify the instructor of this need or directly contact the Disabled Student Resources Office on your campus at the beginning of the semester.

Standards of Conduct: The unlawful possesion, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students is prohibited. Cell phones, pagers, portable tapes, CD players and radios must have volume turned down or off. Students must respect the rights of others, abusive language or behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, including exclusion, suspension or expulsion.


Monday, September 4-No Class

Wednesday, September 20-Project 1 Due

Wednesday, October 11-Project 2 Due

Wednesday, November 8-Project 3 Due

Wednesday, December 6-Project 4 Due

Friday, December 15-Fall Classes End