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Exercise #1
Exercise #2
Exercise #3
Exercise #4
Exercise #5
Exercise #6
Exercise #7
Exercise #8

By : Emery Clark

Exercise #1
Find at least five navigation/design mistakes
1. The Lawn Care FAQ's link is a different font from the rest of the links. 
2. The website has not been updated in a long time.
3. The links are not the same font and size through out the page.
4. The format for the second pages are not all the same.
5. The font is not the same on all pages.

Exercise #2
Fix the graphic spacing

Exercise #3
Find at least five accessibility mistakes
1. The roll over links don't have sound options for deaf people.
2. The font goes from normal to italics on one page. 
3. The font is different on one of the roll over links.
4. Some of the pictures are blown out.
5. The pages all have animated content on them with out a stop option.

Exercise #4
GIF Compression Exercise
images/04menu.gif (Size = 4.5K / 2.2 seconds)

Exercise #5
JPG Compression Exercise
images/80desert.jpg (Size = 7K / 3.5 seconds)

Exercise #6
Find at least five optimization mistakes
1. The lawn care image is not compressed correctly.
2. The menu bar on all the pages is not saved optimized.
3. The opening image on the landscaping page has bad quality and takes a long time to load.
4. The firewood picture has to high of a compression rate for jpeg.
5. The picture on the tree services page is blown out and had bad quality.

Exercise #7
Making Buttons Transparent
"Off Button"
"On Button"

Exercise #8
Colorize interface buttons
(Display will appear reduced to fit within this page)

Slice and complete 00interface1.htm

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