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  29 Gallon
The Tanken.

Technical Info.

Bottled Goods.

Co2 Reactor/Diffuser





This is my first planted tank.. actually its the 4th.. but the only successful one. An example of a failed tank can be seen here. It was overtaken by blue green algae and some hair algae. This tank follows all planted tank basics that I will list here. You should take care also to follow these basics. Look in the tech section to see what I've used. I've also included a beginners guide for someone looking out to start their first tank : learn from my mistakes! I'll include the beginners guide here for now

  • Lighting : Most important.. you should strive for at least 2 watts per gallon using fluorescent tubes. the type doesnt really matter, as long as it is pleasing to the eyes. Cheap Lighting Guide
  • Substrate : The gravel should be fine, around 2 - 5 mm is O.K. You should fertilise this with some clay or iron rich supplements. Flourite is a popular choice for substrates. further information here
  • Fertiliser : Both in the substrate and water column. The water column should be dosed lightly as it can lead to algal blooms. I prefer substrate fertilisation as it allows plants to get at the nutrients via their roots, while algae (without roots) cannot access it. An extensive article can be found here
  • Filtration : For aesthetic reasons, a filter is a must, to take out particulate matter. Filtration also provides sites for bacteria to grow on, turning poisonous fish waste (ammonia) into relatively safe nitrates. It also provides circulation, providing a medium for gas exchange between the plants and the water.
  • Carbon Dioxide : Now you think im crazy?.. well no. Carbon dioxide in water is lower than in air, and plants need it to photo synthesize. To increase the rate of growth to out compete algae, Co2 is needed. See my tech section for how to build a DIY Co2 reactor and diffuser.
  • Plants : Plant heavily, and plant with easy to grow, fast growing plants. These include Hygrophila sp.(polysperma, difformis and siamensis), Rotala rotundifola, Ludwigia sp. and my all time favourtie Egeria densa (pond or oxygen weed).
  • For more information, check my links to find some great sources of information. Remember, books are also great, a few that I own include Nature Aquarium World (Takashi Amano), The Ultimate Aquarium (Mary Bailey and Gina Sandford) and Hobbyist Guide To The Natural Aquarium (Tetra - Dr Andrews). Remember to ask your local friendly fish shop staff for assistance (although their usually not as helpful)

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