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The female (top) and male (bottom) Kribensis.

Technical Info.

Bottled Goods.

Co2 Reactor/Diffuser




Currently in my 29 gallon, very little fish life exists. It is very relaxing to watch and is not over crowded with fish. There are 3 Corydoras sterbai that school together and swim around everywhere, flying like little airplanes around the tank. I do not know if they eat the algae wafers.. but their stomachs are always full like that of pigs.

There are 2 Siamese Algae Eaters in the tank, although one was small and has not been seen for a week. The other, is called "boss", he is roughly 3in long and likes to swim around in circles. He is joined in his circle swimming antics by two False SAE's, they also clean algae with him. The three tussle and play in their underwater garden, oblivious to the studying going on only metres from them.

The two Pelvicachromis pulcher (Kribensis) are the king and queen of the tank. They own a cave on the left middle of the tank, but spend much more time in the glossotigma patch, watching their kingdom.. which extends to my room pretty much. They are spawning regularly althought i don't take care of the fry. These fish are very intellgent.. when I sit and watch them.. they sit and watch me too. The female and male will both let me touch them if i want, and will willingly come and 'attack' my hand while i clean the tank. They are unafraid of anything.

When I sneak into my room at night, thousands of little coned shaped snails climb up the walls of the tank. These are Malaysian Trumpet Snails, and they come out at night to eat debris. They do a good job of eating dead or decaying leaves, and leave all my living ones alone. I hear they eat fish eggs though..


Black Phantom Tetras : now in the 55 gallon, their short 1 week stint in the 29 gallon proved to be boring. They swam in a small school and seemed quite stupid. The giant male however looked cool

2 Neon/Praecox Rainbowfish : These chaps were rather charming, displaying all the intelligence of a cichlid in a rainbow fish. The two swam around together and danced along the currents, flashing their neon blue bodies for all to see. these were traded in for the tetras.

2 Pearl Gouramis : These two kept their hostilities to each other, and after 3 months were separated.. one back to the pet store, and one in my 55 gallon. I rescued them seeing them suffering from velvet, and over time they have both recovered just fine.