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Aug.19, 2001, Nov. 9 2001, Nov. 16, 2001, Nov. 28 2001

  Kristina Dubovik, Melissa Jamrock - Public Relations Top Nov. 28, 2001
  Greetings Bandos! If you see a classroom without the announcement for the Dec 2 concert, please write it up! The message should say:
  MU Band/Orchestra Concert
  Sun. Dec 2
Also, tell you friends, family, floormates, roomates, and all the people you know about the concert. We want to pack the VT, and we need your help to do that. Invite people to hear the result of our hard work!!!
Have a great week!!

Melissa and Kristina

  Kristina Dubovik, Melissa Jamrock - Public Relations Top Nov. 16, 2001
  The list of band members for the program will be posted on the bulletin board on Monday. Please make sure your name is spelled correctly. Misspellings are bad.
  Kristina Dubovik, Melissa Jamrock - Public Relations Top Nov. 9, 2001
  Greetings Bandos!!

I know this is short notice, but we need some bandos to man a table at Discover days this Sunday from 1-4 pm in the AMU cafe. It would involve answering questions about band and showing prospective students how much fun the MU band is! There's also another session of this next weekend (Nov. 18 1-4pm), and we'll need people for that too. If you can do this, e-mail Melissa ( ASAP and let me know.

  Kristina Dubovik, Melissa Jamrock - Public Relations Top Aug. 19, 2001
       The Band Open House is on Friday August 24th from 1-2PM in the VT. Chalking for this will take place on Tuesday evening, the 21st at 5:00PM. Everyone should meet at the VT by 5:00PM and there will be some sort of refreshment offered. O-fest info will be coming shortly.


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