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     If you're looking for announcements you've come to the right place. Click on an office or scroll down to read some restaurant-quality announcin'.

  Jess Chapman, Meghan Root - Social Coordinator Archive Dec. 20, 2001

Hello Jolly Bandos!
     It is time for Christmas and also for thinking about winter (aka...Winter Flurry!!) For those of you who have never heard of this, Winter Flurry is an annual extravaganza of a whole week devoted to competitive, yet fun events that organizations around campus compete in.
     This means that the band can win money and you can help us bring in the buck and win first, proving we are the superior organization at Marquette. Show us your creativity and stamina by signing up for these events. These events span the first week of school after we get back from break, so put on your creative bando hats early!
     Drop me an e-mail if you are interested, have any ideas, or haven't already signed up so we can plan accordingly. Also, there will be a sign-up sheet in the VT for those who like to love to hang out there.
     Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I have included a schedule
of the events below.

-Tree of Clothes-Tues(1/15)-Fri(1/18), 10am-6pm, Collected by Megs and Jess
Pairs of Socks 2pts., Mittens/gloves/hats 4pts., shirts & pants 6pts.,Coats & Jackets 10pts needed!All go to local charity. While you are at home look for old clothes! Everyone invited to participate.

-Penguin Bowling-Tues(1/15), 4-7pm, Annex
4 bandos needed to bowl, bring mittens to bowl in and wear tuxes. Points determined on the bowling score.

-Picasso & Pretzels-Wed(1/16), 8-12pm, 2nd Floor Union
Design and paint window. Everyone invited to participate.

-Flurryman Building Contest-Wed(1/16), 7-8pm, 2nd Floor Union
4 bandos needed to build a snowman without snow. We are responsible for creating the body of the flurryman. Only allowed to spend $20.

-Winter Flurry Trivia Challenge-Thur(1/17), 5-7pm, 2nd Floor Union
2 bandos needed to answer marquette trivia and general trivia questions, themed to the weakest link.

-Find the Flurry Guy-Fri(1/18), 8am-5pm, all around MU
250 flurry guys hidden around campus. Find them please. Everyone invited to look.

-Flurry Olympics-Sat(1/19), 11am-3pm, Rec Center
Physical test of skill and determination. # of participants to be announced.

  Terry Schroeder - President Archive Dec. 9, 2001

Well everyone, another semester is almost over. Good luck with finals and make sure to check your calenders for the break games if you can make them. See you all soon and thanks for a great first semester.

  Greg Spencer - Small Ensembles Director Archive Dec. 9, 2001

Here are the break games. If you can make it, go for it, if not, don’t worry. They will not count towards attendance. Also, if you need somewhere to stay, you’re more than welcome to stay at my place. If there are any questions, feel free to call me, 244-0118.

Sunday (12/16/01) be at the VT at 12:30 PM (2:00 tip)
Wednesday (12/19/01) be at the VT at 5:30 PM (7:00 tip)
Sunday (12/30/01) be at the VT at 12:30 PM (2:00 tip)
Wednesday (1/2/02) be at the VT at 5:30 PM (7:00 tip)
Sunday (1/6/02) be at the VT at 12:30 PM (2:00 tip)
Saturday (1/12/02) be at the VT at 6:30 PM (8:00 tip)

  Liz Kelly - Secretary Archive Dec. 6, 2001

hello, band!
stipends will be available bright and early tomorrow (friday) morning at the bursar's office in tower hall. there's a separate door on the wisconsin side of tower...that's the door for the office. just in case ya didn't know. and sorry, but if you didn't play in the last concert, you don't get a stipend.
thanks, liz :)

  Kristina Dubovik, Melissa Jamrock - Public Relations Archive Dec. 4, 2001

Hey Band!
     Just a note from your librarians, I just thought I'd let you all know what to do with your pep band folders since the semester is winding down. So here's the deal:
     If you are going to be in band next semester and plan on doing pep band you can keep your folder. If you are graduating, co-oping, studying abroad, or just don't plan on being in band next semester, than some time this week or next week please return your folder. If you plan on playing at the games this week and next weekend then turn them in after that. And, no, you cannot keep your folder for posterity's sake if you are graduating. So please turn these in if it applies to you because there will be people that will need to use them next semester.


  Hannah Martin - Vice President Archive Oct. 24, 2001

     Mon, Nov. 26 (the day we get back) we will have an open band forum. It will be right after band, so stick around!

  Steve Brown - Treasurer Aug. 22, 2001
       I would greatly appreciate your sending a message to all Bandos who are still awaiting XL band shirts. I have them and will bring them to the orientation meeting on Friday. I hope to see you all there and get those distributed.
  Pete Durbin - Historian  
       No Announcements Yet....


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