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Sept. 18, 2001, Sept. 26, 2001, Oct. 9, 2001

  Liz Kelly - Secretary Top Oct. 9, 2001

     Hola, bandos! If your name is on this list, you are in the concert, but you must get at least 2 hours of attendance next week. If your name is not on this list and you think it should be, come talk to me during band.
Thanks, Liz.

  Liz Kelly - Secretary Top Sept. 26, 2001

     Hola, bandos! concert time is rapidly approaching, and it's time once again to talk about attendance. The concert is october 14. You need 16 hours of rehearsal time by the week before the concert (by Monday, october 8.) Then, that week of the concert, you need to attend rehearsal for at least 2 hours. If you do not do this, you will not be allowed to play in the concert! If anyone has concerns about this, please come talk to me. there is potential for making up some hours through outside practice and often something can be worked out.
     There is an new, extra reason why these attendance requirements are so important. The office of the registrar is trying to change the attendance/withdrawal policy for band...the potential exists that the registrar will drop you from band if you do not achieve the required attendance for this first concert. This means you will not be able to participate in band for the rest of the semester, and will receive no stipend. Plus, band is super fun, so come to practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks, liz :)

  Liz Kelly - Secretary Top Sept. 18, 2001

Hola my lovely fellow bandos,
Yes, it's that time time! For those of you who are new or just haven't paid attention, it is part of the secretary's job to create a directory of band members, in order to facilitate communication within our organization (a.k.a. make it easier to find people). This is totally voluntary. If you don't want everyone and their roommates to know where you live, don't send this back! I will only stalk you for awhile...muhahahaha! Seriously though, it would be absolutely fantabulous if everyone could fill this out and send it back to the band by Friday, September 21. That's THIS COMING Friday. It would make my life so much easier if no one procrastinated till Saturday night with this. Just copy the form below to a new email and fill it out. And remember, it does cost money to print this for all of you, so please don't rewrite War and Peace or anything. Thanks!
Liz :) (hey Spence, please send me the basketball schedules)
Home Phone #:
Screen Name:
Campus Address:
Campus Phone #:
Human Interest Question...If a Hollywood producer were to make a movie about your life, what actor/actress would they hire to play you and why?


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