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<-2-26-02-> ADDED MORE!!

~hell must be a pretty swell spot, because the guys that invented religion have sure been trying hard to keep everyone else out..

~some people go by the saying: if at first you don't succeed, try and try again.. with me: if at first you don't succeed, wait and see what happens. if nothing happens, try a different approach. if still unsuccessful, try someone or somewhere else..

~the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav'n of hell, and a hell of heav'n..

~man prides himself on being the only animal who can modify his nature, yet when he chooses to do so, he is called a phony..

~stive, reach, take. then you shall not be taken..

~definition of good and evil: good is what you like. evil is what you don't like..

<-2-20-02-> for now i'm just going to have random quotes, and etc.. otay??

~i didn't do it, you can't prove it.. no one saw me.. the sheep are lying! (thank you zach)

~god made pot, man made beer, which one do you trust?

~one by one the penguins steal my sanity..

~i leave bite marks!!

~practice random acts of violence, and senseless acts of cruelty..(yet again thank you zach)

~bumper sticker: horns broke, watch for finger..

~girls are made of: fishnets, bats, and alley cats..

~guns don't kill people, the government does.. (zach's favorite quote)

~i'm tired of stupid people.

~who are you to say what's normal?

~i don't discriminate, i hate everyone.. (thank you joe)

~i'm not anti-social, i just don't like you..

~fat people are harder to kidnap..

~it's a good thing you're cute, 'cause damn you're dumb..

~sorry, was i screaming again??

~you're just jealous that the voices talk to me..

~milk sucks! got beer?

~i did a bad thing..

~touch me, i bite you.. (zach and joe..)

~runs with scissors..

~it's not nice to point and stare..

~don't interupt me while i'm talking to myself..

~i have imaginary friends..

~you're not ugly, just facially challenged..

~the more you disapprove, the more fun it is for me.. (thank you didi)

~i'm a mess..

~i've seen the light.. and it BURNS!!

~a normal person is just one you don't know real well..

~i'm just one big FUCKIN' ray of SUNSHINE, now AREN'T I?

~normal people scare me..

~the optomist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true..
~i don't know why we are here, but i'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves..
~perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away..

~it has become apallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity..
~i'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools.. let's start with typewriters!
~i am ready to meet my make. whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter..

~when choosing between two evils, i always pick the one i have never tried before..

~the difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs and ham breakfast: the chick was 'involved'-the pig was 'commited'..

