Welcome to the Address Page! If your address information is either not present, misprinted, or you would like to add or change your address info in some way please just email Merj at RVA2001@lycos.com Sawa! The address page is all hooked up. It may take some experimentation to figure it out but I hope it does the job. If you come across any glitches or struggles please email me quickly about the problem. Please - if you find any typos or misinformation or anything like that also let me know and I will try to fix it. Sorry about all the advertising banners. It looks better w/o them but until I am rich I can only afford this free site. Thank you again for your patience on this address book. Please Read the Address Page Security before logging on. If you didn't get the password - email me and I'll think about letting you have it. :) Alright - just click 'Beam Me UP'
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