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A New Concise Dictionary to the Rift Valley Academy Lingo
- Arrive-
verb/ To have been
given; to bring into effect. EX
(The female arrived me with struggles last night.)
- auntie
Jill- noun/ name given to
Miss Jill Wilson. Ex. (We love
Auntie Jill.)
- Baboe-
noun/ Basically any
girl, often referred to as a girlfriend, opposition to the D.D.G.
Ex. (I do not have a baboe.)
- Bog/Boggage-
noun or adjective/ 1. Terd (s) Ex. (Day old bogs left over in the
toilet can reek.) 2. Bad, or
crusted; struggles. Ex. (This
chick issue is just bog.)
- Bonye-
noun/ The game of
Basketball. Ex. (ISK and Rift
often bout huge in bonye.)
- Boxos-
noun/ Boxers. Ex. (some guys
prefer boxos, I prefer Chupes.)
- Bu-Chard-
noun/ Name given to Mr. Bouchard, Physics chop. Ex. (Bu-chard
assigned huge amounts of homework.)
- Cafo-
noun/ Rift’s Cafeteria. Ex.
(The cafo’s food on Tuesday Lunches is plot because it is fries and
- Cause/Causist-
verb or noun/ The act of struggling for someone else; a person who
constantly causes. Ex. (That chick is always causing for me, basically she
is a huge causist.)
- Chafes/Chafage-
verb or noun/ Something that bogs for you.
Ex. (Variety nights chafe ruthlessly.)
- Chew-
Verb/ to eat, usually with psyche.
Ex. (I chewed like I’ve never chewed before last night.)
- Chick-
noun/ Basically any girl, not necessarily a girlfriend.
Ex. (Those chicks over there are talking about us.)
- Chill-
verb/ To melo or wait for a bit. Ex.
(Chicks often aren’t real great at chilling for their boyfriends to come
see them at late studes.)
- Chop/Chopping-
noun or verb/ The act of being studious, or being a fundi at something.
Ex. (I am a chop at
zeeing chicks.)
- Chuck-
verb/ to leave or to ditch;
often used as an order to an unfortunate person.
Ex. (I discreetly chucked right as my baboe walked through the door
towards me.)
- Chupes-
noun/ Underwear, whitie-tities. Ex.
(I prefer chupes over boxos.)
- Conch-
adjective/ Something that is hard to understand or to do.
Ex. (This wood tech homework is conch.)
- Convos-
noun/ Conversations, either serious or silly.
Ex. (I often have dot convos with Brian and Sean at night down at the
- D.D.G.-
noun/ D.on’t D.ate G.irls society founded back in the day.
Ex. (I still abide by the DDG’s strict rules.)
- Deebs/Meethe,
Feethe, or regular Deebs- noun/ Name given to the Byrne family; Mr. And
Mrs. Byrne or Daniel Byrne. Ex.
(Deebs is a funny guy.)
- Dido-
noun/ Basically any girl; often referred to as a girlfriend.
Ex. (I am without a dido.)
- Dot-
verb or adjective/ Describing something meaningless; someone who is dotting
is being jobless. Ex. (This
boring sonye game is dot.)
- D.P.’s-
noun/ Dorm Parents. Ex. (Nyati’s
D.P.’s are the Kings.)
- Feethe-
noun/ The father of someone. Ex.
(Deeb’s feethe is feethe Deebs.)
- Finye-
verb/ To finish someone else, or to sambaa someone.
Ex. (That huge lenana player finyed me.)
- Futhee-
noun/ hair; can also be used as a diss to someone.
Ex. (“Chuck, you
- Grouol-
verb or noun/ To eat something, usually in large proportions or quickly;
also food, or that which is eaten. Ex.
(Senior breakfast had huge amounts of grouol.)
- Guyo-
noun/ A term used to describe a male, it has no real meaning to it.
Ex. (That guyo is feeling too sweet with himself.)
- Hard/Hardcore-
adjective/ A term describing someone or something who is actually sweet or
could possibly just feel sweet. Ex.
(Ruge players are usually quite hard.)
- Hooked
up- verb/ To have something arriven to you, or to have done something.
Ex. (hook me up with the ketchup.)
- Huge-
adjective/ It is basically just large, used excessively for anything though.
Ex. (That chick struggles for me huge.)
- Issue-
noun/ Basically any situation, either plot or not so plot; abbreviated form-
ish. Ex. (Some people had chick
issues over senior safo.)
- Jamaa-
noun/ Basically the same as guyo; a well liked term describing someone,
meaning nothing except that he is a jamaa.
Ex. (That jamaa over there is plotting something against us.)
- Jobless-
adjective/ Doing nothing, or if doing something, it is very stupid.
Ex. (I am usually jobless on Saturdays.)
- Juice/Juicy-
adjective/ Describing something that is plot or sweet.
Ex. (It’s juice that we have class off this week.)
- Knock/Knocked-
verb/ To hit or to physically smash someone, usually something pretty
ruthless. Ex. (The cheaky Jr.
Higher was knocked upon the head by the huge senior.)
- Mama-
adjective or noun/ A substitution for Mrs. or Miss.
Ex. (Mama Cause!!!!!!!!!!)
- Mangaa-
verb/ Basically the same as knocked; often even more ruthless.
Ex. (That Strathmore ruge player was mangaad by our prop.)
- melo
ezay- verb/ Basically the same as chill; to wait or to ‘take it
easy.” Ex. (“Melo ezay guy,
I’m coming.”)
- Meethe
(methae)- noun/ Mother.
Ex. (My meethe has hooked me up with some sweet grouol tonight.)
- mob-
adjective/ in huge amounts. Ex.
(People with mob psyche for their chicks are very vulnerable to struggles.)
- Monye
(Monyae, also spelled manye)- adjective/ Basically it can be used with
any noun, verb, or whatever. It
means nothing except that it is a monye; often placed after a person’s
name. Ex. (The juo-monye web
page is quite juo.)
- Mums-
noun/ Affection in the way of kisses. Ex.
(Arrive me mums!!!!!!!!)
- Nast-
adjective/ Describing a crust, or a person who struggles for someone else.
Ex. (The nasted juniors did nothing on the night before senior safo.)
- Nastied-
verb/ To waste or to knock someone ruthlessly.
Ex. (In the wrestling match, I nastied Tunde ruthlessly.)
- Nyab/
or Nyabs- verb or noun/ To grab a male in a very sensitive spot.
Ex. (I never get in nyabbing fights.)
- Nyafs-
noun/ Farts. Ex. (Caleb Fader
is notorious for his ability to nyaf huge.)
- Obvious-
adjective/ Common sense, something that should be or is obvious; used
excessively. Ex. (I’m
obviously siked for the game this afternoon.)
- Papa-
adjective or noun/ A substitution for Mr..
Ex. (That jamaa over there is Papa Crawford.)
- Papa
Fifa/ Papa Kinzo/ Papa Long- nouns/ Respectively:
Mr. Al Dobra, Mark Kinzer, and Jim Long.
Ex. (Papa Fifa felt pretty sweet with himself out there reffing those
sonye games.)
- Paros-
noun/ Parents. Ex. (Your paros
are pretty ruthless about you riding pikis naked on camping trips.)
- P.C.’s-
noun/ p.rivate C.onversations; serious convos that you don’t want people
disturbing. Ex. (Often guyos go
to certain chicks to have P.C.s about their baboe issues.)
- Plot/Plots/plotting-
verb, noun, or adjective/ To plan or to feel you’ve hooked yourself up
with something sweet; a sweet plan or idea; or anything that is sweet;
something that is described as juicy or sweet.
Ex. (Mama Cause can often be plot.)
- Ruge-
noun/ The game of rugby. Ex.
(Ruge is the sweetest sport at Rift.)
- Safo-
noun/ Safari. Ex. (Senior Safo
was quite amazing and was a plot memory.)
- Sambaa-
verb/ To nasty or to finish someone. Ex.
(That tackle sambaad that jamaa.)
- Scan-
verb/ To watch something closely. Ex.
(That chick was scanning me huge last night in the gym.)
- Sell/Sellist/Sold-
verb, adjective, or noun/ To shrub royally, or to be a person who sells or
to have shrubbed; to have messed up huge.
Ex. (I sold on that test.)
- Shaft-
verb/ To be caused for, or to be zeed by somebody, basically a form of a
diss or putdown. Ex. (I thought
I had a sweet plot, but when I told it to my friends they shafted my idea
with psyche.)
- Shrub/Shrubbist-
verb or noun/ To sell, a person who struggles and makes a mistake.
Ex. (I shrubbed on that test.)
- Psyche
(sike)- verb/ To like something or someone mob.
Ex. (I try not to get too psyched when a chick shows me that she has
psyche for me because she could just shaft me the next minute if she wanted
- Sonye-
noun/ The game of soccer. Ex.
(Face is amazing at sonye.)
- Spandos/Spandees-
noun/ Spandex shorts. Ex. (Spandos
are only plot for ruge games.)
- Struggle-
verb/ Something that is conch; something that sells for you.
Ex. (Chick issues usually always struggle for you.)
- Studes-
noun/ Studie; a place where no one hangs out anymore.
Ex. (Studes is dumb.)
- Swatch/Swatchist-
verb or noun/ To sleep; to melo on the job; to dot; a person who swatches.
Ex. (The ref is swatching out there.)
- Sweet-
Adjective/ Something that is plot, or something which gives you psyche.
Ex. (Mama Cause is sweet these days.)
- Thotch-
verb/ To knock someone on the head, a kind of a diss; very humiliating.
Ex. (I frequently thotch my dad on the head.)
- Thoup-
verb/ Basically the same as a thotch, only not necessarily on the head.
Ex. (Us seniors were hoping to thoup the juniors when they tried to
plot against us on the night before Sr. Safo.)
- Thrashist-
noun or adjective/ Someone who nasties other people; or someone who is a
chop at something. Ex. (My bro
was a thrashist at Ruge.)
- Tunage-
noun/ The act of tuning chicks, usually a foolish act.
Ex. (My friends were saying how I was a tunist when they passed me
talking to some chick.)
- Tunes-
noun/ Music. Ex. (Some
jamaas go to sleep with tunes.)
- Vids-
noun/ videos. Ex. (Over
vacations we often scan videos with psyche.)
- Vonye-
volleyball. Ex. (Vonye is a
sweet and fun sport to play.)
- Wazi-
adjective/ Something that is sweet, plot, or juicy; can be used
sarcastically. Ex. (Wazi!!!!!!!)
- Weka-
verb/ To hook up; to place in a desired spot or location; to bring.
Ex. (Weka the ball from the dorm.)
- Wog/Woggish-
noun or adjective/ To be crusted in a good way; the way a missionary kid
should strive to be; is a lifestyle. Ex.
(An example of a plot wog is Matthew Talley, who has a huge fro and wears
tire sandals and old, faded shirts to college in the states.)
- Zee/Zeeist/Zeed
(zii)- verb or noun/ To shaft hardcore; a person who zees.
Ex. (When chicks shaft guys, guys usually shaft them back, thus
resulting in a huge struggle.)