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you might be wondering how I got the name ehh? Well I write many of my songs during lectures because I am bored out of my mind. And I remember writing many songs in one of my english classes. The professors last name was Elkington, hence the name "Theories in Elk" Now you know, take care of each other.

Not So Vital Stats

Name: Tony Yi

Birth date: 10-15-1981

Born in: Auburn,Washington

Occupation/Education: Junior at Univ. of WA, work part-time

Hobbies: Tennis, running, guitar duhh

Fav. TV Shows:Simpsons,Seinfeld, and Sponge Bob

Fav. Movies: Office Space and Jerry Mcguire

Fav. Music:Dashboard Confessional,Finch,Something Corporate,Lyndsay Diaries,Abreaction,Feeling Left Out, and Glen Phillips

Anything else: Nope, that's my whole life