Well, here it is, 2004...and sadly, our anime is no closer to fruition. It's nominally thought out, though. Seiyuu, character designs, plots, possible ending themes, the works. (Yes, we have too much time on our hands. Is this so bad? No!) What I really need is a scanner to post some of my sketches.... the good ones, at least. ^.^'
*Sigh* Maybe one day...
Because this is our website and all, we might as well make some shameless plugs. Who are the Santouseiji? Us! No, we are not the bishounen. We just have them...in our harem...^_^ and at our mercy! Bwahahah! Oops, did I say that out loud?
Santouseiji means 'triumvirate' in Japanese, and we are a trio of mercenaries. Mind you, it's just our anime alter egos, not really mild-mannered us. But who'd want to read about 3 girls in the midwest? We're so much cooler in anime form ^_^.
First, allow us to explain what a triumvirate is. (Pardon the exploration of nerdiness here) Originally in the Roman Republic it was Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus as triumvirs, unofficially - they were brought together to rule Rome. Then Caesar was assassinated. And then came the Second Triumvirate, which was actually legal. It was Octavian Caesar (you know him as Augustus), Marc Antony, and some guy named Lepidus. As we have seen, that didn't last too long, and finally Octavian was crowned Emperor and took over Rome.
Our triumvirate is just because there's three of us. As a mercenary group, we go around killing people, stealing stuff, etc. for money. Surprise, surprise! We are: Erzeru, Otome (your friendly page narrator), and Anzu!
Wow. looking back at the blurb I wrote in, oh, say, March, I have to laugh at myself. Besides the whole nerdy segue into ancient Rome, I made us sound goofy, didn't I?
Maybe I should explain a little better. As I mentioned, Santouseiji means Triumvirate. My two friends and I came up with characters in a different world that sort of represent us...only cooler in the way anime gets. Oh, and none of that whiny-weak-heroine stuff. Sorry, but that really ticks me off. Honestly.
Actually, between then and now Erzeru has changed her name. Mostly because we found that it was more like Enzeru...and it just sounded funny. So now she's Mitsukai. Sorry for the confusion. Mitsukai is the oldest of the three of us, and has wings because she was genetically combined with a bird. She's a mother-figure to the group and the most level headed.
Otome (that would be me) is the second oldest. She's the brute strength of the group and the least conciliatory of them. Her genetics were combined with a wolf's, so she's fanatically loyal to her pack and mistrustful of strangers. She has good instincts and can get out of a tight corner, but she still needs help sometimes.
Anzu is the youngest, and the most intelligent. She's not a mutant like Otome and Mitsukai, but is a cyborg. She often refers to the others as "bakas" when they do things she doesn't understand. Being part computer, she has a hard time understanding emotions and especially metaphors.
Otome: I'm not wearing that dress. It looks like a cream puff.
Anzu: I don' tget it. How does it look like a cream puff? It's a dress. You can't eat a dress.
Mitsukai: It doesn't really look like a cream puff.
Anzu: But she said...
Etc etc. Anyway, I'll stop babbling about us now. Maybe if we ever get this anime rolling (hah! yeah roght) you'll see it on TV or in the anime store. That would way rock. ^_^