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Florists by day, assassins by night. How's that for a goofy premise? Anyway, Weiß is an assassin group composed of four young men -- Aya, Omi, Ken, and Yohji. All have their difficulties in the past. Omi had traumatic amnesia and has been involved since he was very young. Ken is a J-League goalie who's pretty bitter, Aya is completely obsessed with the destruction of all things Takatori, and Yohji sees his ex-partner Asuka in every woman with dark hair.

So we meet the boys working in a corner flower shop for Moemoe. All the local girls come by to gawk at them and hit on them. Tee hee -- it makes Aya grumpy so he tells them to leave if they're not buying anything. I love Aya, he's so surly. ^_^ The boys work for a mysterious man named Persia, who gives them their assignments. Other data is provided via Manx, a red-head who wears socks with high heels, for some reason. She's cool tho.

In their first mission Weiß has to take out a gang looking for a floppy disk with information on it. This disk was the cause of the death of four journalists and an innocent bystander named Masato, who was killed when the journalists' car (well they were dead and couldn't steer) plunged off the highway. Masato's girlfriend Michiru witnessed the whole thing, and she ended up with the disk. Now the killers are after her! Stupid girl. Anyway, she ends up in a cabin in the moutains with our friendly neighborhood florists, who obligingly leave her alone with one of the murderers, who was posing as her friend. The usual happens, and Weiß kills them all, and Michiru is saved.

Aya slips off by himself in the next episode to visit a girl in the hospital who's in a coma. That's a big part of his problem, let me tell you. Their second mission involves a man running a Human Chess game. The boys go in to kill this person--only Aya, who was in the game, goes apeshit when he sees Takatori Reiji in the crowd. As Omi put it, "Aya-kun! You're attacking the wrong person!" Stupid Aya. However, Crawford shows his utter coolness in totally kicking Aya's ass, and then Takatori leaves.

The third mission is prettymuch all Yohji. Girls are disappearing into a dirty prostitution ring run by a group called Riot. Yohji sneaks in and runs across a girl named Maki, who escapes with him. Yohji gets shot and passes out, dreaming about his former partner Asuka, who was shot in front of him. Maki, of course, is killed. Under oddly similar circumstances as Asuka was shot (she wasn't necessarily killed, but that's complicated).

Then we have a Ken episode. He finds his old friend and J-League buddy kase Kouichiro is second-in-command in a gang called Creepers. Gasp! Kase's seiyuu, btw, is Ueda Yuuji. Ken can't believe Kase is involved in the gang--he has to be innocent of what atrocities the boss is committing. Naive Ken....Kase tricks Ken and uses him as an excuse to have Koga, the boss, killed so that he can step into power. Then he tries to kill ken. Ken, however, is very hard to kill. He survived a burning warehouse--who does he think he is, Shishio?? Anyway, Ken is forced to kill Kase, who says he'll wait for him in hell. And Ken says, "This is hell..."

The next episode is also about Ken. Less exciting, tho. Feeling guilty for killing Kase, even though Kase betrayed him TWICE, so he finds a chick named Yuriko who's addicted to a "health drink" which is not so healthy...anyway, she heads for Australia at the end, and Ken, feeling that his bloodstained hands are not worthy, or something similar, stays with Weiß. Which is good for Weiß.

Now the next missionis WAY hoky and so...well, urban legend. People's organs are being stolen by a rogue doctor who works for Takatori Masafumi. One is a girl named Tomoe Sakura, who bears an uncanny resemblence to Aya's sister in the hospital. So Aya has an interest in Sakura, and she--well, she's fifteen, he's twenty, it was bound to happen. She thinks she's in love with him. She shows up now and again, pestering Aya, etc. etc.

The following mission deals with Omi's past. Several children have been kidnapped--as Omi was at age ten. But Omi's father would not pay the ransom for him, and he was rescued by Persia, who renamed him and had Moemoe raise him. Omi's been involved with Weiß for a long time.

Then Ouka-san, the pushy rich girl who always buys flowers for Omi, comes to the boys for advice. her friend Sayaka's boyfriend is acting weird, most likely because he's been part of a human experiment performed by Masafumi, and is turned into a monster. A group of four women, Schreient, comes along and kills him before he can tell Weiß anything...but Yohji breaks the mask on the face of the woman called Neu (German for "new") and she looks just like Asuka...

Weiß finds the lab behind the monster experiments and heads out. They naturally encounter Schreient again--Neu, an ex-model framed for drug use called Schoen ("beauty"). a seventeen year old girl with the apparent mental capacity of a six year old named Tot ("death"), and Masafumi's lab assisstant who has a HUGE thing for him, Hell ("bright" or "light"). In an attempt to take out Masafumi, they end up driving him to taking a vial of a potion which turns him into a monster-ish thing...he's about to kill Omi when he stops, and says, "Mamoru?" Then Omi spits something in the open stomach, and the building starts to collapse. Naturally Schreient and masafumi escape, but we don't find that out till later.

Next, we run across another Takatori--Masafumi's older brother, Hirofumi. He's running a game hunting people, and Omi goes out as bait, followed by Ouka, silly girl. At the lodge, omi contronts Hirofumi, and Hirofumi says, "Yes, you are Mamoru, aren't you?" Omi is really Takatori Mamoru--Takatori Reiji's youngest son, and Hirofumi and Masafumi's little brother. Eek! Not good! So when the rest of Weiß comes in, Omi lets Hirofumi run. Ohhh, Aya is not pleased with that...

So Omi, afraid of his own past and of the hatred in Aya's eyes, follows Aya to the hospital where Aya's sister is. He confronts Aya, who tells him that his sister is in the hospital because Takatori Reiji ran her over. D'oh! Omi is dragged to a banquet with Ouka--she wants him to meet her father. While there, before Omi can meet Ouka's father--who is none other than Takatori Reiji--Hirofumi drags him aside and asks him who sent Omi to kill him. omi refuses to tell him, and Hirofumi is pissed. Thus, Omi is kidnapped by one of the men of the shadows--an elite group known as Schwartz. Omi's kidnapper is named Schuldig ("guilty"), and he is wicked cool. Or at least I think so. Anyway, he gives Omi some advice - like assassins shouldn't fall in love.

Hirofumi, meanwhile, is beating up Omi--who rejects Hirofumi as his brother. Weiß comes and rescues Omi, while Schu acts all badass and distracts Weiß so that Hirofumi can escape. Schu does this very cool separating-bodies-thing, and he is so fast they can't get him. Then he jumps out the window, which is not as suicidal as it sounds for him...

Schu is up to more mischeif, too...he tells Ouka the truth about Omi: he is Takatori Mamoru, Ouka's older half brother. Ew. So Ouka is understandably disturbed. Omi can't figure out what's wrong, but then, he doesn't know her father is Takatori Reiji. Schwartz then kidnaps Ouka to lure Weiß out, and hopefully pit the three against Omi. However, when Farfie and Schu fight Weiß Farfie ends up shooting Ouka in the back, killing her. Takatori is not pleased--in fact, he beats up Farfie (who can't feel it) and Schu with a golf club.

I'm going to sum up the next couple episodes, which all lead up to the death of Takatori Reiji...Omi finds out that Persia is his uncle, Takatori Shuichi, and accidentally lets it slip to Aya, who gets pissed. Not that he's any other way. He wants to have the mission to kill Takatori Reiji, and is threatening to leave Weiß because he's a total idiot. Takatori's agents are bombing places under the name of Weiß to create martial law in the city once Takatori is elected Prime Minister. Schwartz at this point also reveals that they are no longer required to protect Takatori, and sit back to watch the show. Persia is also on the lam from his brother, but, after getting Manx out of the way, he goes to Takatori's with a gun to confront him. Here Takatori reveals the reason he did not pay the ransom for Omi/Mamoru--Omi is the result of an affair between Persia and Kikuno, Takatori's wife, and is therefore not Takatori's son. This also means Ouka wasn't Omi's sister, but his cousin, which is marginally better. Takatori shoots Persia, but then Weiß arrives and Takatori runs away, leaving Omi crying over his dying "uncle." With his last breath, Persia comands them to take the mission of Takatori Reiji. So they chase after Takatori, and end up on the roof where Aya and Takatori have a sword fight. Natrually, Aya wins, and stabs Takatori throught the stomach. Weeela!

But the show goes on! The second half deals with Estet, the secret society that was sponsoring Takatori to the position of Prime Minister. Weiß is pretty much gone. Aya has taken his sister to a hospital by the sea. Yohji is running around after women as usual, including a woman named Kyoko who looks, shock and surprise, like Asuka. Ken i steaching soccer to children, and Omi is in high school. However, Schreient shows up again--Schoen pestering Ken, Yohji being attacked by Neu....and now Aya-chan is missing, taken from her hospital bed and a cross marked into the bed left behind....Aya, while searchign for his sister, acquires company in the form of a man named Botan who works for Kritiker, the group that provided info for Persia. A group of people is setting young women on fire. They also have another new contact--her name is Birman, and she is replacing Manx as informant. They go rescue the girls--including a classmate of Omi's.

Then MORE people start catching on fire. While Omi, Yohji, and Ken work on a rash of human combustion, Aya gets some sense beat into him--literally--by Botan. It's so cute. Then when they arrive to stop the people causing others to spontaneousl combust--whom, I might add, are being nudged by Schu (I love Schu!!!!!)--Botan takes a round of bullets meant for Aya. Waah! And I liked Botan, too...and his silly paper airplanes...he got involved in Kritiker to look for his daughter who was kidnapped three years ago (his wife was killed).

And we get to see more of Schwartz! Farfarello is killing clergypersons. He has a bit of a history--raised a nice Irish Catholic boy until one day he went apeshit psycho and killed his family. He blocked the memory, believing it was burglars, and blamed God. By the way, the reason he went postal was because he found ou a local nun named Ruth was his real mother. Oi. Ken met Ruth when she wanted to buy flowers from the shop, and although they tried to protect her, Farfie killed her. Then Schu and Crawfie came and grabbed Farfie.

So you remember Sakura from way back in episode like, six? Well she shows up again. She declared her love for Aya, who said he had no feelings for her and that he was not a person who derserved to receive the love of others. Then he ran across her AGAIN in the theater where a show is being set up for a performer called "Wunder X" whos emusic deranges people. So Aya ends up killing this guy, whose real name is Kawaji (which ALWAYS makes me think of the chief of police in Kyoto in Rurouni Kenshin), right in front of Sakura, and he says, "I am a murderer." Yeah yeah. Sakura's a little freaked out but she still feels like she has to believe in Aya.

Then people's backbones are being stolen. How, I don't's for their kundalini. And surprise, surprise, it's Schreient! They have Masafumi in a glowing green goo. However, Neu is hit by the pink Volkswagen bug, and Yohji, believing her to be Asuka, takes her in. She gets back some of her memory, and finally manages to tell them that Schreient has Aya-chan, and where they are. however--it was all a trick. She betrays Yohji, who ends up strangling her. Her last words are, "Masafumi ai shiteru." D'oh!

After this bit of a goof up, Schwartz is ordered by Estet to take Aya-chan from Schreient for use in a "ritual." Yeah yeah, hoky. They go to the lab where Hell, Schoen, and Tot are keepign Aya-chan and Masafumi. Schreient doesn't want to give up Aya-chan, naturally, so Crawfie tricks them into getting Weiß there. Tot, despite Nagi's attempts to get her out of Schreient, remains loyal. Crawfie shoots Schoen in the chest, Farfie stabs Tot, she falls down the stairs, Nagi goes postal and brings the whole building down on top of them--killing Hell and Masafumi, whom Farfie blew out of his green goo--and TOT STILL DOESN'T DIE!!! What does it take to get rid of that annoying girl? Anyway, Schwartz walks off with Aya-chan resting comfortably in Schu's arms.

Sakura, the annoying clingy chick, is growing out her hair and now looks ocnsiderably more like Aya-chan. She asks Omi a few questions abotu Aya, and he slips, telling her that Aya-chan is missing. Then Schu starts playing around with Sakura's head. He tells her he's a friend of Aya's--with friends like Schu, who needs enemies?--and convinces her to come with him. He ends up using mind control to have her shoot Aya when Weiß comes to kill Estet as they arrive in Japan. Can we say, d'oh?

As the series comes to a close, it is revealed that Estet is using Aya-chan's body--which apparently hasn't aged since she went into the coma two years ago--to perform a ritual to awaken the "one." Um, yeah. Sakura hides Aya-chan and takes her place--which royally pisses of Schwartz. Schu's beating her around, then he goes into her mind and mocks her feelings for Aya, and her wish that he would see his sister again. While Aya is going to supposedly exchange Aya-chan for Sakura, Schu and Farfie are at the flower shop. Schu beats up Yohji AND Ken at the same time (so badass... tee hee....have I mentioned lately how much I love Schu?)...then Farfie beats up Birman and Omi and they have Aya-chan again! Weiß goes to get her back, big fight, they save Sakura and Aya-chan with the help of Manx, then the floor collapses under them and everything falls into the sea. Lo and behold, Aya-chan wakes up in Manx's car! She's confused, no da. Sakura says she'll tell her all about the Aya who lived while she was in the coma...and, of course, we see Weiß in the shadows. No, they're not dead!!

There's also There is also a two-part OVA, called Verbrachen and this, which I believe is post-series, the boys get weird orders. It turns out Manx has been kidnapped and an American general is trying to use Weiß. Of course he doesn't succeed. It turns out Weiß goes through an elaborate acting scheme to make him believe they're killing each other, but of course they don't.

There is also a second season of Weiß Kreuz called "Glühen" which came out late 2002. The character designs are slightly different, and I haven't seen any of it so I can't tell you what it's like. However, to see some pictures, check out Weiß Kreuz Glühen .
