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Okies, very small changes on the site, added some scripts and stuff. About the making of TWOBS...well...SoulBlighter is still figuring out ideas for the part he's going to make soon (hopefully). Me myself, eh...well...been lazy, haven't had the computer much on either. We're still looking for more beta-testers and a scripter. Send me an e-mail to me if you want to join our team. (



New day, new stuff. Gotten up the Screenshots page! Check out those 1337 pictures...hmmm...or something. Big thanks goes to a dude who calls himself Silencer! He rewrote the javascript that followed with the NwN fansite kit so I got it as I wanted it =) Thanks a lot mate!

The pictures are a bit large (70-300kb), I think I can get them smaller, but I think the quality will go down. So I won't do anything with it yet, maybe later.



New site! Again! Oh yea, that's right! Hope this one will last for a while =) We've made a forum now, so go post!
Damas changed his alias to SoulBlighter, don't ask me why, he just did =)
I've added a section called screenshots...well...I added a link to it atleast, but it ain't up yet. It will be though, sometime...


  Site content © The World Of Broken Souls (except bits taken from NwN fansite kit)