Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

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The Brooklyn Union
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Alley Cat Williams

So, what's yer nickname? Alley Cat

How'd ya come by dat name? Me eyes are green and almost glow in da dark like a cat and if I'se no where ta be seen den you'se could bet anyting I'se in an ally somewhere.

What's yer REAL name? Jessica Williams, but you'se call me dat and you'se dead.

Whaddaya look like? I'se 5'7" wit green eyes, curly brown hair fat falls ta me shoulders, and brown skin. I'se also have a scar above me right eye from me step dad... don't ask.

What's yer personality like? I'se can be a real loner when I'se wanna but when I'se wit a lot a friends I'se nice and good company (If i'se in a good mood dat is) I'se like ta be da leader and feel I'se should be right all da time and have a hard time admittin' i'se wrong. But odder den dat I'se tink I'se a good person.

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) From age 10 ta 14 me drucken bum of a step dad beat me up all da time. I'se found ways ta escape him so it got betta but when he started beaten on me mum I'se decided me mum and I'se would run away. So we did. Afta a year in Brooklyn me mum got real sick and she... *snifs back tear* she died dat christmas. Out of anger and fear I'se found refuge in da ally ways of Brooklyn. Dis one day I'se followed dis good lookin' newsie until he spotted me. He introduced himself as Thriller and led me here where I'se became a newsie.

When's yer boithday? June 15

So dat makes you how old? 18

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? I'se a real fast runner. Sometimes me and Mac, dis kid at da Brooklyn Heights, race around da city.

Whaddaya like ta do? When I'se angry I'se like ta run me heart out, when I'se sad I'se seek refuge in da allies, but when I'se normal I'se sell papes and hang out wit me friends.

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? Oh jeez, I guess I'se always tink I'se right cuase I'se older and gets really mad or embarraced when I'se wrong.

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? I'se don't have a lot of "friends" but acuantances rather. But if I'se had to list me best pals I'd say Harmony, Thriller, and Dreama.

How bout enemies? Anyone who messes wit me er me friends.

Are ya related ta anybody heah? Nope

Ya sweet on anybody? Even doh we'se best friends I'se have a small crush on Thriller.

Is it a secret? YES! I'se don't wanna ruin our friendship.

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? In da allies or anywhere else wit me friends.

Anythin else on yer mind? Not now


Owned by: Godsingingangel