Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
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The Brooklyn Union
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Front Steps

Heah we are, da front steps. Da lodgin house has a great view a da whole park. Dere's lots a fun places ta hang around heah. Most a da newsies who stay heah jist hang around da places in da park after dey's done sellin. Me favourite place is da music pagoda, it was built da same yeah dis lodgin house was! But dere's da Long Meadow, or da Picnic House, although it's pretty busy and dey don't really like us Newsies much. *shrugs* Oh well!

And we gots Nethermead, which is like da Long Meadow 'cept it ain't as big. And da Grand Army Plaza is always woith a visit, you should see da arch dey gots ovah dere! I also hear dat dey's plannin ta build a boathouse sometime in da near future!