Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
Back Door
The List
The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Conspiracy Kazchak

So, what's yer nickname? *looks up at you with his peircing eyes* Hi, Me nickname? It's Conspiracy.

How'd ya come by dat name? *laughs* I was in a gang when I was youngah and I used ta cause all types of conspiracy's and what not. So da name stuck! *smirks*

What's yer REAL name? *blinks* Me*sighs* It's Jon Kazchak. *shrugs* it ain't dat important. Don't be callin me dat dough ya got it? *smiles* Thanks.

Whaddaya look like? *snickers* Aren't ya lookin' at me? *stands up and with arms out to his sides spins around* I've got raven black hair, its short like Race's but even shorter den dat. I'm sorta tan. I got dese Ice blue eyes. I t'ink dey me best feathah, and small dimples. I look sorta like IF. I'm only 5'7", but I ain't to short. I got some muscle though pretty thin. I'm probably 'bout 130 or so. *shrugs* Dat's all. *Conspiracy has a demanding presence that sometimes atracks girls eyes to wander to him*

What's yer personality like? *looks at you funny* Ya ask some perdy odd questions if I can say so. Um, poisonality? I'm perdy easy goin' I like ta sit back and relax, hang out wit friends. I ain't da type to be all uptight, I'm usually pretty laid back. I got a tempah at times. I like bein' in charge. IF says I can be cocky at times. But I don't think so. Oh yeah...and I'm loyal. I nevah like seein' me friends hoit. Nevah. I wasn't in da gang and loined nothing. I will protect dem if it calls for it.

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) *laughs* Me history I see, um. Born an orphan, will die an orphan. I grew up in South Joisey. I quickly joined da local gang by da name of da Spirits. I was wit dem until I was about 17 den i picked up and left when me goil and me best friend were moidered. *sighs fighting back tears* Den I lended up heah!

When's yer boithday? Septembah 30th!

So dat makes you how old? 17

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? *cracks his knuckles* Fightin' I'm a good fightah. I'm very sneaky to. A good lyah to. And I'm good at writing to. *shrugs* A hidden talent.

Whaddaya like ta do? Hang out wit me friends! Anyone who is nice. I consider a friend. So hang out or out causin' trouble wit me partnah in crime, Nigtmare.

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? *smirks* Bad habits, where do I start? ACutally I got one major one. It's drinking.

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? Sure all of dem! And definately IF and Nightmare. And da othahs.

How bout enemies? *looks at you blankly* A guy by da name of Mike Smitt. Da boy who moidered me goil and best friend.

Are ya related ta anybody heah? *shakes his head* Nah, I'm an orphan.

Ya sweet on anybody? *blushes* Fearless, ovah at da Navy Yards. I's sweet on 'er.

Is it a secret? *nods* At da moment, it is. *sighs* I'd do anythin' fer dat goil.

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? Anywhere, at da park. I like ta walk around by meself, ta think. Den of coise, hang wit me friends.

Anythin else on yer mind? *shrugs* Nah...just please don't tell Fearless. Please...*begs silently before tipping his head and walking away*


Owned by: Irish Flare