Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

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The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Fiesty Silver

So, what's yer nickname? Fiesty

How'd ya come by dat name? It was given to me by me brothers in chicago on the account of the way I am towards guys! *shakes head sadly*

What's yer REAL name? Me name is none of your buisness..but I guess I have to tell ya *smiles innocently* Me name is Ashley Elizabeth Silver

Whaddaya look like? Looks? I am pretty short I look about as tall as a 13 year old. I got blondish hair that goes down to me mid back.I have a scar at the edge of my eye brow. I have pretty light brown eyes with a tint of green. I wear black pants, a white wife beeter and black suspenders. But I always wear me jewish star around me neck, me brothers gave it to me before I left. *blinks back tears*

What's yer personality like? Hence me nickname I can be pretty sracastic and a little to enerjectic. I love da newsies like me family *smiles* I can be sorta bossy but that comes from taking care of a younger brother and two older ones. I can usaully make a joke about anything and lighten up any mood. I keep secrets very well..but I dont like people talking behind people backs *glares* it ain't a nice thing to do. But if you need to talk I am alwyas here *sighs and takes a deep breath* okay thats about it. Oh yeah...I love playing poker and I can almost out drink anybody.

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) Me story eh? *snickers* It ain't dat interestin'. Let me tell ya. Wit da mafia's startin' in Chicago. *grins a sly grin when noticing the stunned face* Yeah. Dats right da Mafia. Da Gins and Da Rays. Huge ones. Always at war wit each othah. Me oldest brothah Daniel taught me ta fight. I got a wicked punch, 'xpecially undah pressure. Well, I was fightin' really well when da Gins and Rays wit ta war ovah territory. David talked Daniel in ta shipping me outta Chicago so I'd be safe. Cause lots of innocent people were gettin' hoit. So Zach, me thoid brothah brought me heah, den went back ta Chicago ta help me brothah's protect da house.

When's yer boithday? The best day of the year June 19..I is expecting presents

So dat makes you how old? 16

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? Poker, singing, and I guess fighting

Whaddaya like ta do? I like to sing but I also love cards its one of me favorite things to do!

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? Well I sometimes act or spoeak before I think about it..that can be a problem..I bite me lip when I get nervous..but who said that was a bad thing *laughs*

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? Fearless, IF, Gip, Fire, Bittah, Angel, Gambler, Snickers, Voodoo, Sorrow, Dove, Cane, Princess, Nightmare, Spot, Race, Conspiracy, and lots of other people

How bout enemies? Any one in Chicago! *smiles*

Are ya related ta anybody heah? Nope!

Ya sweet on anybody? no

Is it a secret? no

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? I usaully go to the track or go to the docks to swim! *smiles*

Anythin else on yer mind? No..not really! *smiles*


Owned by: Fiesty