Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
Back Door
The List
The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Harmony Chang

So, what's yer nickname? Harmony

How'd ya come by dat name? Well I'se gets along wit everyone real well and I'se love ta sing more den anyting.

What's yer REAL name? Grace Chang

Whaddaya look like? I'se chinese wit long black hair and I'se about 5'5" tall. I'se slender, flexable, and me skin is fairly tan.

What's yer personality like? Like I'se said I'se gets along wit everybody and bein' a good freind is me specialty. i'se guess you'se could say I'se a little shy but once I'se gets ta know you it's hard ta get me ta shut up. I'se don't like swearin' or fightin' but a girls gots ta do what a girls gots ta do sometimes.

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) Me faderand mudder brought me to America when I'se was 6 and a half. Me mudder was havin' a baby so we'se had ta leave china because you were anly allowed to have one child. But saddly half a year lata on me birthday me muddah and baby died during da birth prosses. It was very hard on me but even harder on me fader. He spent his nights drinkin' and growin' more and more inta depression while I'se pushed all me effort inta school. I'se had little friends so when me fader commited suiside I'se had no where ta go. But tankfully Voodoo found me on da streets and invited me ta stay.

When's yer boithday? May 26

So dat makes you how old? 16

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? I'se sing really well in chinese and english but dats pretty much it.

Whaddaya like ta do? Ta sing, hang wit me freinds and boyfriend, and sometimes walk down town lookin' at all da families wishin' mine was still here..

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? Sometimes when I'se really mad or talkin' real fast I'se end up talkin' half english and half chinese. Me friends get a kick out of it doh.

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? Yeah, alot of dem are me friends but me best pals are Dreama and Alley Cat.

How bout enemies? Not really.

Are ya related ta anybody heah? Nope

Ya sweet on anybody? Well I'se gotta be sweet on Piper he's me boyfriend.

Is it a secret? Naa, but we'se don't go spreadin' it around eder.

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? At Medda's cause I'se like ta here her sing or anywhere around here. Mosty down town.

Anythin else on yer mind? Am I'se da only chinese Newsie in Brooklyn? Just askin'.


Owned by: Godsingingangel