Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
Back Door
The List
The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Martini Parker

So, what's yer nickname? Martini

How'd ya come by dat name? When I was little, my dad used to drink Martini's all the time. I used to allways ask if I could have a sip and he'd allways say no. One day though, I asked and he said yes!! I tried a sip and then spat it out! Yuck!! As you can tell, I didn't like it that much. The name just stuck after that!

What's yer REAL name? Aurelia Parker

Whaddaya look like? I have short brown hair that never seems to do what I want, and "big, blue eyes". I'm average height (5'5") and have and average build...basically, I'm a very plain girl! I'm almost never seen without my newsie hat, which I stole from my boy. Usually, I'm wearing a white shirt (ha! more like grey!!!), blue pants and my trademark yellow suspenders.

What's yer personality like? I'm shy but very friendly. I'm very loyal to my friends and support them on whatever decisions they make.

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) I came from an average (LOL!) family. We had enough money to get by and sometimes a little extra left over. One day, my father never came home from work. We found out later that he had died coming home from work. My mother tried to stay strong for my sake, but eventually she died of a broken heart. After that, I had no place to go. so I decided I wanted to be a newsie like my friends in Manhatten. There was no room at the lodging house there so I came over to Brooklyn and have been here since.

When's yer boithday? October 31st (no I am not a witch! LOL!)

So dat makes you how old? 16

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? piano (I used to take lessons when I was younger) and matchmaking!!!

Whaddaya like ta do? read and sometimes when I'm by myself, I sing

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? Well, none that are really bad. I bite my nails. Does that count???

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? Not yet, but hopefully soon!!!

How bout enemies? Nope!

Are ya related ta anybody heah? Nope!

Ya sweet on anybody? *smiles shyly*...Blink...

Is it a secret? nope! I could shout it from the rooftops!!!

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? wherever. I like the roof a lot though.

Anythin else on yer mind? Nope!


Owned by: Martini