Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
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The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Meadow de Chagney

So, what's yer nickname? *quickly stops playing the string instrument in her hands and looks up with slight scrutiny in her eyes* Meadow *speaks with a heavy French accent, but speaks softly*

How'd ya come by dat name? *sighs* well, I spent a lot of time in the meadows when I was young

What's yer REAL name? *lifts her chin slightly upwards* Noelle de Chagney

Whaddaya look like? *looks herself over* I have long, wavy chestnut hair and hazel eye. I'm kind-of tall *her eyes are very deep, but always have a hint of sadness reflecting in them. she's tall because she has long legs, and she's actually quite beautiful*

What's yer personality like? *shrugs slightly* I don't know, you'd have to ask someone else *is quite stand-offish and quiet. she doesn't like to talk to people that she doesn't know*

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) *frowns* I came from France, that's all you're getting out of me *doesn't like to talk about her past much. She came from France roughly 4 years ago*

When's yer boithday? *smiles slightly* June second

So dat makes you how old? I'm 19 *shrugs* but it's only a number

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? *tosses her hair over her shoulder* well, I guess you could say I'm good at playing the viola *looks at you sharply* don't touch my viola, ever

Whaddaya like ta do? *shrugs* I don't know, I like to play my viola, but nothing other than that

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? *bristles slightly* I don't have bad habits, at least, I don't try to

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? *thinks for a moment* yes, Melody over at Manhattan Beach

How bout enemies? *shakes her head* no, I try not to make enemies

Are ya related ta anybody heah? Aurélie, my daughter *she hesitates slightly before saying daughter, causing her to blush slightly, but quickly focuses her attention elsewhere*

Ya sweet on anybody? :=*blushes* yes, Camelot

Is it a secret? *shakes her head* I don't think so

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? here.

Anythin else on yer mind? not really *smiles slightly at you before starting to play a sorrowful tune on her viola*


Owned by: Illusion