Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

First Floor
Second Floor
Front Steps
Back Door
The List
The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Lodging House Rules

  1. Before submitting an application, check out your stats with the masterlist at the union. It tells what guys are taken and who's related to who. If you want a guy who's already taken, I'm sorry. The best I can do is tell you to create a character yourself just for you. But you MUST check the masterlist. If your guy is already taken, I can't accept your profile until you change it.
  2. Fill out the ENTIRE profile. I know it's long, but I don't want skimpy profiles! Fill the whole thing out or it will not be accepted.
  3. You need to be an active member. A lodging house is no fun when nobody participates.
  4. No catfights/stupid arguments, ok? It's bad enough at school/home/etc. We don't need it here. Respect the other members and they'll respect you.
  5. It's required to write a story (yes, myself included!), but the story MUST have a rating. The internet is home to people of all ages, and they need to be duly warned before reading anything. I'll accept things of all rating, so long as they come with a rating, proper disclaimer, etc.
  6. When/If we have chats, I'd like as many members as possible to attend. I know most of us have busy schedules, and that school/work/family/church/etc. come before the internet. However, as I said before, this will be no fun at all if nobody participates.
  7. HAVE FUN! That's the main point of the lodging houses, is to have a good time. So long as we all abide by the rules and respect eachother, we should have a blast!
  8. I may add rules as I deem necessary.