Prospect Park Lodging House

Brooklyn, New York City
Established 1887

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Second Floor
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The Brooklyn Union
Contact Leader
Voodoo Murray


So, what's yer nickname? Voodoo Murray

How'd ya come by dat name? I read a book once about an African religion that used magic to do stuff ta people... I thought it sounded like a good name, so I used it!

What's yer REAL name? Oh, dat's Elizabeth Murray... dumb commom ol' name if ya ask me!

Whaddaya look like? Well, I'se kinda short. About 5'4" ta be precise. I got borin' ol brown eyes an I used ta have long curly red hair, but I cut it off ta pretend I was a guy awhile ago... now its grown out ta about me shoulders. I like ta wear black pants, which are kinda doity, an a plain white button up shoit (it's so doity it almost looks grey!), an a pair of black suspenders. I got a pair of black shoes, but dey's really scuffed up. My favorite hat is me grey newsie cap, I rarely ever go witout it. I'se got a relatively nice figure, I suppose. slender, a really mundane *grins at the big word* poisin, dat's me!

What's yer personality like? Oy. Well, heah's da ting: I'se really impatient. I could nevah be a school teachah, I'd teah da kids ta shreds. I like ta do tings on me own, so I guess dat makes me independent. I get inta da weirdest mood swings, too, dependin' on da weather. A woid a caution, nevah cross me when it's rainin: I HATE da rain! I'se pretty friendly, for da most part. But if yer mean ta my friends, ya'd bettah watch yer back!

How'd ya end up heah? (yer history) I used ta have a family. We had a nice apartment in Manhattan. I gots an oldah brothah, he's about 3 yeahs oldah den me. One day when we was at school, dere was an apartment fire. Both me mum an dad died... so me bro an me were out on da streets. I was a street rat, an a damn good one, too. But ova da yeahs my bro got ovahprotective, so I ran away. I didn't have anywhea ta go, but I had ta get outta Manhattan. So I sold me hair ta keep me alive, an den I came ta Brooklyn. I found this lodgin house an I decided ta stay.

When's yer boithday? Sometime in May... early... around da 6th/8th

So dat makes you how old? It makes me 17

What kinds of stuff are ya good at? I'se not good at much... I learned how ta whittle when I was youngah, so I make some stuff once in awhile... an I like ta sing, but not in front of nobody but da mirror!

Whaddaya like ta do? I like ta read an write, but I ain't so good at writin. *shrugs* I like ta be by meself, too, jist ta think about tings. I'se a regular day-dreamer... *smirks*

Ya gotta have a bad habit er two... how bout it? Ya know dose bad days when everytin dat could go wrong does? Dose are da days when a bottle a whiskey er scotch er whatever really hits da spot, if ya know what I'm sayin...

Ya friends wit any a da newsies heah? Me, myself, an I! We'll see when da time comes.

How bout enemies? Not 'zactly an enemy... but if a guy by da name a Peter Murray comes lookin fer me, I ain't heah!

Ya sweet on anybody? A guy by da name a Pie Eater down in Manhattan... we were together before I had ta leave.

Is it a secret? Nah. It's jist hard ta get together anymoah...

Wheah do ya hang out aftah yer done sellin? Mainly hea, like on da roof, or somewheah in da park... I love da Music Pagoda! an da Long Meadow is a great place ta tink by yerself

Anythin else on yer mind? Not at da moment... recruit recruit recruit!


Owned by: Voodoo Murray