Cheese Factory Massacre

Buy Merchandise Go listen to CFM


CFM will not be playing at the June 14th Show!!
Due to a recent motorcycle injury suffered by Lee,
the band will be unable to perform and will be taking a short break.

They plan to schedule more shows in a month or two.
-Bobb Myers(06/12/03)

CFM will be playing two big shows on June 14. Also playing are MCA recording artists Sunset Black,
along with Skywind, Trend 86, Greenhouse, and Hessian. Check the Shows page for more info.
-Bobb Myers(06/02/03)

CFM was featured on KSFY 10:00 news on Friday, May 23. We will have it available for download soon.
-Bobb Myers(05/29/03)

Updated Shows
-Bobb Myers(05/02/03)

A big show is sheduled for May 3 with TREND 86! Check shows page for more info!
-Bobb Myers(04/22/03)

The new Waste MP3 is now up on - Check it out.
-Bobb Myers(04/22/03)

CFM have many summer shows in the works, check back here for updates.
-Bobb Myers(04/22/03)

Turn the Table is now available - pick up a copy at shows or email the band at to get yours.
-Bobb Myers(04/22/03)

See Past News

Listen to Loud and Local on 103.7 the KRRO on Sundays between 6pm and 7pm to hear CFM and other great local rock.

Click on the pictures for information about each member


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Site Created by Bobb Myers