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Definitive resource to the CIA's use of psychic spies:over 500 declassified CIA documentsFREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH Aldous Huxley's,Brave New WorldMilitary Industrial ComplexWorld War II History GuideConspiracies Involving Energy SupplyEnron DebacleTaxes favoring the WealthyBanking On Secrecy: Terrorists oppose scrutiny of offshore accounts. And so do many U.S. bankers and lawmakersGeorge Bush: The Unauthorized BiographySkull and Bones Revealed!The making of the human droneCLONINGTime travel, degaussing and early stealth technologyPhiladelphia ExperimentMoney, Power, FEMA, AIDS & TOBACCO
Excerpts from Bill Cooper's Behold the Pale Horse How The House Un-American Activities Commission was founded by a KGB spy How To Build A HERF Gun in Your Basement The Hard TruthThe Definitive Resource for info on Human Experimentation by our government.Guniea PigRead How the chemical companies have been exposing us to harmful levels of pesticides for years.Plutoniam Found in Livermore and Berkeley neighborhood parksPlutoniam ParkBill MoyerDid You Know that 50,000 barrels of nuclear waste were dumped in the SanFransisco bay, from the 1950's-1970. |