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History| Background| Rules| Clan roster| Ranks| Quests| Clan Tree| Jobs| Items| Old clans| Email

Here is a list of old clans from back in the day. This is the current list on the valhalla website (which they will probably update soon.)

Valhalla Clans           Clan Master

   Bushido                    Kiriel
   Drasnian Spy's             Kheldar
   Heaven's Fury              Bloody 
   Imperial Order             Cara
   Knights Of Apocalypse      Baggins
   Knights of Fire            Iaso  
   Black Dragons of Malistar  Grrmmph
   Vendetta                   Icewing

Not on webpage and current active clans

  Advocates of Honor         Doggy
  Bushido                    Colwyn
  Drasnian Spies             Kheldar (Started by Kheldar 1997)  
  Kindred                    Kutter
  Unseen Chaos               Krantos (Started by kheldar)
Old deleted clans

  Dark Dealers
  Udgaard Vampires

Old clan list stolen from another page (All old outdated clans. Dark Dealers was the only one I joined before starting DS.) [Dark Dealers] Clan Master - Tiefdog Clan Lord - Vellaine This clan has been around for about 2 yrs. It was close to being deleted until Tiefdog regained Master. Now is becoming one the prodominent Lowbie/Midbie clans on the game. Clan ranking system is set up for multi lvl players to join. [Heavens Fury] Clan Master - Bloody Clan Lord - Currently Open Heavens Fury has grown to be one of the largest most powerful clans on the game in a very short time. Bloody is a good resonable Master that askes little of his members. Lvl 100+ restrict. Clan Malaug (Shadowmasters) Clan Master - Kelben Clan Lord - Loomit Older clan with few members still active. ^House Jurai^ Clan Master - Supreme Clan Lord - Kwar Old clan with great members, must be competent and a decent lvl to join. (Clan Vendetta) Clan Master - Loke Clan Lord - Draal One of the most powerful clan on the game currently. Some of its members have stopped playing but overall still powerful. [GUKK] Clan Master - Zerox Clan Lord - Shio One of the top clans on the game. Powerful Master and Lord that are helpful. (ICT) Inner Circle of Truth (ICT) Clan Master - Twrpy Clan Lord - (I don't know) The largest clan on the game. Mostly newbies, few BoBs. <<<===---Preds---===>>> Clan Master - Jimi Clan Lord - Mervyn Just came back. [W P] Warrior Poets [W P] Clan Master - Dustaz Clan Lord ?? Arguably the most powerful clan on the game. They show great clan unity and support. {LoS} Legions Of Sass {LoS} Clan Master - Grummy Clan Lord - Low level clan that helps out it's new members whenever possible.