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Declaration of Independence
Motto and Seal
This is a world where people have control in their government's affairs through their elected representatives  In a world like this how can you feel safe.  Power is not meant for anyone to have, it is meant for leaders.  If there is any reason some people are born leaders it is to lead.  Common people have no place in deciding how a country is run, that is up to the greatest leader.  The greatest leader being the one who is the most popular, or most powerful.    In a democracy though anyone can have a say in how the country is run, and that is not the way it should be.
In a communist country, there is a leader,   and he makes the decisions.  In a communist country you never have to go and vote.  The country is richer without having to pay for elections.  This makes the communist ideal perfect for this country of Koran.
 Koran has always been a peaceful farming country with small villages and harbors but not really a country.  Koran didn't really have a government  or any kind of authority.  Now we are instituting a communist government one that will lead us towards perfection.  Where life is simple, everyone is equal, and there are no worries.
National Animal
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Sustaining Life
Ruling Government
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