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Declaration of Independence
Motto and Seal
National Animal
Today is the best day of the week.  It's Friday, and since we only have thirty hour work weeks we get Friday off.  I  won't have to do any work today except for my time at the community garden.  I will have to go to church at  12:30 and 2:00 though.  Other than that today will be pretty easy.  I do have to go into Siran today, to get my driver's license  I'll probably spend the rest of the day out on the patio reading.  My family has a huge library like most families in Koran.  
Rules and Laws
Sustaining Life
Ruling Government
Where is Koran?
Come Join Me
Saturday, even less to do than Friday.  I have church three times today though.  I'll probably go shopping for most of the day.  I have to spend two hours in the community garden today!  Just to make up for time I missed on Thursday.  Tonight I'll be going to the ampha-theatre  It's the largest in the world.  It should be a very good show.  I might also go down to the park.  I love playing people at the many chess tables, sometimes I even win some money.        
Utopian Weekend
The Utopian Life
Perfection is just a click away
Sunday, possibly the worst day of the week.  There is four hours of church on Sunday's two hours at 12:30 and two hours at 2:00.  I have to do more work on the project my government has granted to me.  Each Person in Koran above the age of twenty must work on a project each year.  It's a way of helping the government in your free time, I think it's boring.  At least I get to go to bed early tonight.  All activities must stop at 4:00 on Sundays, because of it's importance in our religion.