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Here are a collection of articles and interviews I have found throughout the net. I must also mention that I take absolutely no credit for these articles. They are creditted to the author(s), which Is mentioned in every article. Well, I hope you enjoy them!

Bebop Sets out for uncharted waters...
-Will "Bebop" revolutionize the perception of anime, or will it fall off the edge of the Earth?
-By Tim Law

Just an old-fashioned, new Fangled show.
-Producer Masahiko Minami muses about "Cowboy Bebop's" past and future.
-By Sara Ellis and Luis Reyes

Orchestral Maneuvers in Bebop
-The quintessence of Bebop in the works of Yoko Kanno...and the quintessence of Kanno in Bebop.
-By Luis Reyes

A Very Organic Process:
-The American dub cast for "Cowboy Bebop" weighs in on the series.
-By Luis Reyes

The Dubtrack
-An interesting look at one of the best dubbed animes Japan's thrown at us.
-By Ryan Mathews

Untitled Document
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