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You've reached the "About Me" database. This is basically where I can express myself mostly on this site. Here I post my interests, thoughts, my long-worked-on fanfic, poems, and more.

About Me
-Learn more about me, the webmistress!

My Adoptions
Here are my cutie adoptions that I've collected over the years!

My Fanfiction
-This is my fanfiction I've been working on for the past couple of months.
*Closed for the moment*

-Here you can find all of the cool cliques I've joined on the net.

My Gif Collection
-My small-but-growing animated gif collection. Come check it out!

-Read about what inspired me to make this site.

Contact Information
-Would you like to submit something, or just contact me? Come here to email me!

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Main : Forum : Site : You : Me : Misc

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