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Welcome, here are some internet cliques that I have joined because of my interests. Feel free to look around and join any of them if you want! :)


-This is a girl gamers clique. It's soul purpose is to band together all of the rare girl gamers out there. I joined this because I love video games, especially the Final Fantasy series for Playstation and PS2.

-This clique is dedicated to beautiful anime girls. It can be any anime or game. I chose Juuhachi-gou for this, obviously. ^_^

-I am an "addict" to Cowboy Bebop!

-Ok, I admit it, I LOVE Spike! Join this clique if you like or love him as much as I do! ^-^

--> grow up <--

Fan of Tobey Maguire

Fan of Tobey Maguire

Fan of Spider-man!!

Akk! I forgot where I got this, sorry! o_0;;

i'll be there for [brian]


dead sexy |:| Spike Spiegal

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