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Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
Age: 13
Blood Type: AB
Height: 136 cm
Birthday: 1.1
Birthplace: Earth
Weapon of Choice: Computer
Seiyuu: Aoi Toda
Ed is a prepubescent computer hacker extraordinaire. She is both extremely intelligent and extremely dysfunctional socially and is possibly insane. All the problems that can be solved through a computer keyboard have met their match in this strange child. She is an incredible chess player and has even boggled the mind of THE chess master.

She was born on Earth and was abandoned to her own devises fairly early. She is quite the survivor. She is one of the few on Earth who lives on the surface of the planet, rather than underground. Because of her expertise as a hacker, she has gained a huge reputation and following.

ed waters jet's bonsai trees, ein plays, spike is dumbfounded.But notoriety doesn't stop a kid from becoming lonely. Her surveyor father took off and she has no idea where he went, not that she seems to care all that much. She also wants a few adventures off-world. When a weather satellite above Earth gains a bit of sentience and finds itself lonely, she becomes its friend and in order to save it sucks it into her computer and into herself.

Lonely for human contact of a certain kind, she hailed the Bebop with her remote control and made them come to her. And Faye promised her a place on the ship for information -- not that Faye had any intention of keeping that ed asleep.oath. But clever, ever resourceful Ed found a way to control them.

On board the Bebop, she is the constant companion of EIN, the hyper-intelligent Welsh Corgi, which Spike -- reluctantly -- brought on board. She can solve the most complex of computer problems and play a mean game of chess with a true chess master, but she can't seem to follow basic instructions -- like watering Jet's bonsai. She fairly drowns the plants and Spike must clean up after her. ein sits on the sofa beside spike's legs.

Ein is a problem solving data dog, although he will never be thought of as a watchdog, as he as been known to flee mildly dangerous situations. Leave the watchdogging to Ed. Ein answers email and finds the right person to answer the call. He's like the C3P0 to Ed's R2D2 -- well, loosely. In other words, together, they kind of make up one person.

Ed and Ein can usually be found sleeping.

jet, ed, ein, and spike watch a 'video'.She and Ein had a huge adventure alone, trying to find food for the crew. She came across some "mushrooms" once and watched her crew members eat them and become spaced out. So she's about as mischievous as she is smart and loony.

When she does find her father again, she makes a difficult choice, after saving her friend Spike from being beaten up by her abnormally strong father.

Neither Ed nor Ein can be considered comic relief. They are true characters who have their own problems, skills, talents, and needs.

Throughout the series, it amazes me still that Ed even knows who the others are. Her interaction with them is on an informational level. The crew seems to have more interaction with Ein -- Jet tries to teach it to be more dog-like.

Again, Ed and Ein are one person and the traits one would logically give them as a girl and a dog, a fairly reversed. It is their intelligence that holds them together.

Interesting Tidbits
-Ed Likes to talk about herself in third person, which makes it very confusing for the bebop gang when she shows up on their computer telling them ed is ed. *-*

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