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Spike Spiegal
Age: 27
Blood Type: 0
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Birthday: 6.26.2044
Birthplace: Mars
Sign: Cancer

Spike is pretty much the main character of Cowboy Bebop. Spike's past is quite interesting. After being a part of the Red Dragon Syndicate on Mars, Spike faked his own death and gave up crime. He then became an intersteller bounty hunter with Jet Black and and got a job as a freelance bounty hunter.

He was born on Mars on June 26, 2044. (Hard to believe we got to Mars that fast, huh?) Spike's past is clouded as you find out in the episodes, teasing at only a little information at a time.

Spike Spiegal...content..Spike Spiegal I think would fall into the cateragory of good-guy, bad-guy. He has an attitude, but still has that good-guy light in him.
Interesting Tidbits
-Spike comes close to death in many episodes, but he always manages to slip out of the situation.

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